

Veldurthi is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Veldurthi
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Pithapuram
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Veldurthi Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 B. Kothuru 587452 406 Hectares 1832 533431
2 Jagapathirajapuram 587453 139 Hectares 433 533450
3 Veldurthi 587454 801 Hectares 3285 533445
4 Pro. Donthamuru 587455 1313 Hectares 2976 533445
5 Pro. Rayavaram 587456 751 Hectares 4248 533445
6 Bhogapuram 587457 1017 Hectares 7050 533445
7 Raparthi 587458 769 Hectares 3566 533445
8 Jamulapalle 587459 190 Hectares 1510 533450
9 Gokivada 587460 296 Hectares 2009 533450
10 Mangiturthi 587461 301 Hectares 2737 533450
11 Virava 587462 378 Hectares 4192 533450
12 Kolanka 587463 687 Hectares 4657 533450
13 Veeraraghavapuram 587464 277 Hectares -
14 Illindrada 587465 114 Hectares -
15 Madhavapuram 587466 396 Hectares 2452 533450
16 Agraharam (R) 587467 490 Hectares 2711 533450
17 Viravada 587468 669 Hectares 7170 533450
18 Mallam 587469 556 Hectares 4975 533433
19 Fakruddinpalem 587470 240 Hectares 1854 533450
20 Jalluru 587471 330 Hectares 2760 533433
21 Govindarajupalem 587472 132 Hectares 442 533433
22 Somavaram 587473 251 Hectares -
23 Kandarada 587474 238 Hectares 3894 533450
24 Chitrada 587475 379 Hectares 7992 533450
25 Navakandravada 587476 123 Hectares 1678 533450

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