

Ponugupadu is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Ponugupadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Phirangipuram
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Ponugupadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Erraguntlapadu 590211 850 Hectares 2779 522403
2 Takkellapadu 590212 803 Hectares 3109 522438
3 Sirangipalem 590213 457 Hectares 1517 522529
4 113 Thalluru 590214 1255 Hectares 3584 522529
5 Bethapudi 590215 906 Hectares 3986 522549
6 Gundalapadu 590216 379 Hectares 2205 522549
7 Ponugupadu 590217 1824 Hectares 4356 522549
8 Merikapudi 590218 727 Hectares 4861 522549
9 Nudurupadu 590219 1121 Hectares 3956 522529
10 Vemavaram 590220 1123 Hectares 3689 522529
11 Repudi 590221 1113 Hectares 2765 522649
12 Phirangipuram 590222 1336 Hectares 16365 522529
13 Aminabada 590223 1276 Hectares 9408 522649
14 Havusuganesa 590224 576 Hectares 869 522529

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