Pothidoddi is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Pothidoddi |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Peapally |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Peddapodilla | 594456 | 1872 Hectares | 3956 | 518221 |
2 | Shrotrium Rangapuram | 594457 | 339 Hectares | 453 | 518221 |
3 | Kalachetla | 594458 | 942 Hectares | 2317 | 518221 |
4 | Shrotrium Rayampeta | 594459 | 259 Hectares | - | |
5 | Shrotrium Nallaballe | 594460 | 826 Hectares | 162 | 518221 |
6 | Pothidoddi | 594461 | 1297 Hectares | 2625 | 518221 |
7 | Peapally | 594462 | 3724 Hectares | 15200 | 518221 |
8 | Vengalampalle | 594463 | 1215 Hectares | 2402 | 518221 |
9 | Mettupalle | 594464 | 2224 Hectares | 4609 | 518521 |
10 | Jaladurgam | 594465 | 2774 Hectares | 8322 | 518220 |
11 | Madhavaram | 594466 | 1509 Hectares | 2825 | 518220 |
12 | Munimadugu | 594467 | 1436 Hectares | 2075 | 518221 |
13 | Racherla | 594468 | 3563 Hectares | 5012 | 518221 |
14 | Nereducherla | 594469 | 1818 Hectares | 1924 | 518220 |
15 | Kommemarri | 594470 | 1713 Hectares | 5785 | 518220 |
16 | Chandrapalle | 594471 | 1393 Hectares | 1913 | 518221 |
17 | Gudipadu | 594472 | 3783 Hectares | 5260 | 518221 |
18 | Jakkasanikuntla | 594473 | 1491 Hectares | 4767 | 518221 |
19 | Burugula | 594474 | 2490 Hectares | 4085 | 518220 |
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