

Pothukurru is belongs to East Godavari district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Pothukurru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Ainavilli
District : East Godavari
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Pothukurru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Madupalle 587763 644 Hectares 2764 533228
2 Veeravallipalem 587764 984 Hectares 4897 533211
3 Chintana Lanka 587765 187 Hectares 2111 533211
4 Veluvalapalle 587766 550 Hectares 1975 533211
5 Ainavilli 587767 1022 Hectares 8336 533211
6 Totharamudi 587768 264 Hectares 7322 533211
7 Kotipalli Bhaga 587769 123 Hectares -
8 Kondukuduru 587770 219 Hectares 1677 533211
9 Krapa 587771 416 Hectares 3586 533216
10 Sanapalli Lanka 587772 843 Hectares 6210 533211
11 K. Jagannadhapuram 587773 274 Hectares 2615 533577
12 Siripalle 587774 463 Hectares 3014 533211
13 Sirasavalli Savaram 587775 108 Hectares 307 533241
14 Nedunuru 587776 1537 Hectares 9566 533241
15 Vilasa 587777 579 Hectares 4986 533577
16 Magam 587778 583 Hectares 4069 533577
17 Pothukurru 587779 338 Hectares 1726 533577

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