

Potluru is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Potluru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Gudluru
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Potluru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Parakonda Paduagraharam 591574 129 Hectares 461 523113
2 Parakondapadu 591575 1094 Hectares 1303 523113
3 Dappalampadu 591576 432 Hectares 981 523113
4 Gundlapalem 591577 943 Hectares 1640 523113
5 Kothapeta 591578 582 Hectares 1387 523281
6 Swarnajipuram 591579 2132 Hectares 3624 523281
7 Gudluru 591580 4376 Hectares 8989 522281
8 Basireddy Palem 591581 833 Hectares 2686 523281
9 Darakanipadu 591582 1016 Hectares 2251 523281
10 Puretipalle 591583 989 Hectares 2686 523281
11 Venkam Peta 591584 355 Hectares 347 523281
12 Chinala Trapi 591585 996 Hectares 3188 523115
13 Nayudupalem 591586 1609 Hectares 1439 523115
14 Ammavari Palem 591587 1816 Hectares 2577 523281
15 Potluru 591588 1321 Hectares 1480 523281
16 Mocherla 591589 2860 Hectares 3784 523291
17 Ravur 591590 1618 Hectares 3195 523291
18 Chevuru 591591 2679 Hectares 4865 523291

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