
Pudur, Kondapalle

Pudur, Kondapalle is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Pudur, Kondapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Gadwal
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Pudur, Kondapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Rekulapalle 576221 1301 Hectares 2021
2 Kothapalle 576222 716 Hectares 1887
3 Yenkampeta 576223 376 Hectares 1508
4 Mulkalapalle 576224 1490 Hectares 2366 509125
5 Gadwal (R)(Part) 576225 3373 Hectares 4841
6 Atmakur 576226 1845 Hectares 4103
7 Gonpad 576227 762 Hectares 2469
8 Sangala 576228 763 Hectares 1244
9 Jilladabanda 576229 914 Hectares 712
10 Kakulavaram 576230 895 Hectares 1890
11 Paramala 576231 1669 Hectares 2406
12 Mellacheruvu 576232 1005 Hectares 1981
13 Jammiched 576233 1404 Hectares 4235
14 Pudur 576234 5696 Hectares 10699
15 Anantapur 576235 1398 Hectares 5284
16 Beerole 576236 1864 Hectares 2463
17 Basapur 576237 597 Hectares 347
18 Gurramgadda 576238 1059 Hectares 757

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