

Pulkal is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Pulkal
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Pulkal
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Pulkal Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Hunnapur 573468 541 Hectares -
2 Manthoor 573469 961 Hectares 1422 502293
3 Raipahad 573470 320 Hectares 671 502293
4 Peddareddipet 573471 1126 Hectares 2314 502293
5 Seripeddareddipet 573472 241 Hectares -
6 Singoor 573473 882 Hectares 2382 502293
7 Pocharam 573474 752 Hectares 1763 502293
8 Muddaipet 573475 518 Hectares 1105 502293
9 Pulkal 573476 1034 Hectares 3006 502293
10 Baswapur 573477 1141 Hectares 1581 502293
11 Mudimanik 573478 1398 Hectares 3146 502273
12 Sureddi Itkyal 573479 660 Hectares 1665 502273
13 Lakshmisagar 573480 450 Hectares 2021 502273
14 Posanipalle 573481 590 Hectares 935 502273
15 Choutkur 573482 2508 Hectares 5867 502273
16 Minpur 573483 1556 Hectares 2661 502273
17 Kodur 573484 588 Hectares 1154 502273
18 Esojipet 573485 708 Hectares 1138 502273
19 Gangulur 573486 1863 Hectares 3244 502273
20 Seriramreddiguda 573487 144 Hectares 258 502273
21 Sultanpur 573488 529 Hectares 1136 502273
22 Sarafpalle 573489 244 Hectares 615 502273
23 Korpole 573490 1831 Hectares 3456 502273
24 Lingampalle 573491 338 Hectares 754 502273
25 Venkatakistapur @ Angadipet 573492 337 Hectares 1089 502273
26 Taddanpalle 573493 365 Hectares 691 502273
27 Gangojipet 573494 301 Hectares 902 502273
28 Chakriyal 573495 678 Hectares 1814 502293
29 Sivampet 573496 1068 Hectares 3300 502293
30 Vendikole 573497 845 Hectares 1296 502273

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