
Punnole & Peramandlagudem

Punnole & Peramandlagudem is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Punnole & Peramandlagudem
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Wardhannapet
District : Warangal (Rural)
State : Telangana

Nearest Punnole & Peramandlagudem Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Inole 578303 1840 Hectares 7441 506310
2 Singaram 578304 813 Hectares 2189 506005
3 Punnole 578305 1089 Hectares 4900 506310
4 Panthini 578306 1433 Hectares 4165 506310
5 Chennaram 578307 1003 Hectares 2745 506310
6 Upprapalle 578308 707 Hectares 2231 506310
7 Nallabelle 578309 2062 Hectares 4527 506310
8 Katrial 578310 738 Hectares 3690 506313
9 Yellanda 578311 2171 Hectares 7252 506313
10 Kakkiralapalle 578312 1524 Hectares 2877 506313
11 Nandanam 578313 2629 Hectares 6747 506313
12 Bandauthapur 578314 557 Hectares 2837 506313
13 Dammannapet 578315 1483 Hectares 3932 506316
14 Divitipalle 578316 478 Hectares 883 506313
15 Ramavaram 578317 759 Hectares 1470 506313
16 Wardhannapet 578318 4144 Hectares 13715 506313
17 Kothapalle 578319 414 Hectares 2079 506313
18 Liabarthy 578320 1359 Hectares 3193 506313

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