

Puttayapalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Puttayapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Badvel
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Puttayapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Tiruvengalapuram 593053 622 Hectares 1820 516502
2 Ethirajupalle 593054 939 Hectares 1152 516227
3 Appajipeta 593055 857 Hectares -
4 Anantharajupuram 593056 2603 Hectares 3636 516228
5 C.Kothapalle 593057 490 Hectares -
6 Abbusahebpeta 593058 303 Hectares 608 516227
7 Chintalacheruvu 593059 531 Hectares 462 516227
8 Bayanapalle 593060 171 Hectares 783 516227
9 Mohinuddinpuram 593061 20 Hectares 260 516227
10 Imadapuram @ Pedakesampalle 593062 311 Hectares 981 516502
11 Kondugaripalle 593063 79 Hectares -
12 Vanampula 593064 1772 Hectares 1673 516502
13 Gopalapuram 593065 544 Hectares 285 516502
14 Veerapalle 593066 5113 Hectares 2008 516502
15 Konasamudram 593067 376 Hectares 1394 516502
16 Kongalaveedu 593068 873 Hectares 1387 516502
17 Thippanapalle 593069 619 Hectares 1037 516501
18 Venkatasettipalle 593070 339 Hectares 432 516501
19 Rajupalem 593071 883 Hectares 1644 516501
20 Godugunur 593072 370 Hectares 763 516227
21 Puttayapalle 593073 527 Hectares 992 516227

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