

Pyaparru is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Pyaparru
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Amruthalur
District : Guntur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Pyaparru Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kuchipudi 590386 1075 Hectares 6788 522313
2 Mulpur 590387 1292 Hectares 5387 522313
3 Peddapudi 590388 580 Hectares 3395 522325
4 Koditadiparru 590389 514 Hectares 757 522312
5 Moparru 590390 877 Hectares 3324 522312
6 Thurumella 590391 485 Hectares 1422 522312
7 Amruthalur 590392 1499 Hectares 6524 522325
8 Panchalavaram 590393 914 Hectares 1848 522325
9 Yelavarru 590394 580 Hectares 2055 522341
10 Pyaparru 590395 433 Hectares 2465 522341
11 Bodapadu 590396 350 Hectares 1423 522341
12 Intur 590397 2184 Hectares 5715 522341
13 Govada 590398 1650 Hectares 3610 522325

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