

Pyarampalle is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Pyarampalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Galiveedu
District : YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah)
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Pyarampalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Talamudipi 593479 1660 Hectares 540 516267
2 Korlakunta 593480 1267 Hectares 2079 516469
3 Pulikunta 593481 2012 Hectares 3156 516267
4 Nooliveedu 593482 4082 Hectares 7489 516267
5 Pandikunta 593483 1286 Hectares 1454 516267
6 Thumukunta 593484 4991 Hectares 2699 516267
7 Garugupalle 593485 1583 Hectares 1914 516469
8 Gundlacheruvu 593486 1176 Hectares 1903 516233
9 Gopanapalle 593487 1361 Hectares 2232 516267
10 Pyarampalle 593488 1455 Hectares 1585 516267
11 Veligallu 593489 1939 Hectares 2000 516267
12 Galiveedu 593490 4369 Hectares 16344 516267
13 Araveedu 593491 2803 Hectares 5443 516267
14 Eguvagottiveedu 593492 1624 Hectares 1995 516269

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