

Racharla is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Racharla
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Pentapadu
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Racharla Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Jatlapalem 588490 906 Hectares 4304 534166
2 Narasimha Apparaopuram 588491 66 Hectares -
3 Padamara Vipparru 588492 1486 Hectares 5403 534165
4 Parimella 588493 495 Hectares 2728 534166
5 Yanalapalle 588494 405 Hectares 1156 534166
6 Umamaheswaram 588495 195 Hectares 1198 534166
7 Pentapadu 588496 363 Hectares 12889 534166
8 Devaracheruvukhandrika 588497 52 Hectares 518 534166
9 Kaspapentapadu 588498 635 Hectares 3326 534166
10 Akuteegapadu 588499 396 Hectares 2124 534218
11 Mudunuru 588500 788 Hectares 2538 534218
12 Darsiparru (R) 588501 989 Hectares 4330 534222
13 Prathipadu 588502 553 Hectares 5080 534222
14 Alampuram 588503 603 Hectares 5751 534134
15 Racharla 588504 582 Hectares 2450 534225
16 Vallurupalle 588505 328 Hectares 2499 534225
17 Bodapadu 588506 356 Hectares 1197 534196
18 Ravipadu 588507 1038 Hectares 3395 534156
19 B.Kondepadu 588508 384 Hectares 2686 534156
20 Korumilli 588509 268 Hectares 1452 534156
21 Chintapalle 588510 257 Hectares 1297 534196
22 Meena Valluru 588511 620 Hectares 4137 534134

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