

Chowderpalle is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Chowderpalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Regode
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Chowderpalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Pocharam 573240 176 Hectares 495 502290
2 Marpalle 573241 496 Hectares 1753 502290
3 Regode 573242 765 Hectares 3732 502290
4 Chowderpalle 573243 478 Hectares 978 502290
5 Kothwalpalle 573244 484 Hectares 1471 502290
6 Timmapur 573245 484 Hectares 573 502290
7 Venkatapur [Maktha] 573246 226 Hectares 585 502290
8 Jangriyal 573247 368 Hectares 1020 502290
9 R. Itikyal 573248 836 Hectares 1529 502290
10 Medikunda 573249 534 Hectares 1604 502290
11 Dudiyal 573250 730 Hectares 1733 502290
12 Dosapalle 573251 733 Hectares 2251 502290
13 Kondapur 573252 374 Hectares 822 502290
14 Burhanwadi 573253 144 Hectares 332 502290
15 Pyararam 573254 436 Hectares 1077 502290
16 Lingampalle 573255 537 Hectares 1412 502290
17 Sindole 573256 97 Hectares 1424 502290
18 Tatpalle 573257 333 Hectares 776 502290
19 Gojwada 573258 968 Hectares 2303 502290
20 Puladugu 573259 479 Hectares 783 502290
21 Devenoor 573260 878 Hectares 1668 502269
22 Bhootkur 573261 494 Hectares 1141 502290
23 Usrikpalle 573262 754 Hectares 1482 502290
24 Nirjipala 573263 840 Hectares 1017 502270
25 Khaderabad 573264 2526 Hectares 4206 502270

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