Singupalem, Nallurupalem is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Singupalem, Nallurupalem |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Repalle |
District | : | Guntur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Parisapadu | 590497 | 113 Hectares | - | |
2 | Karumuru | 590498 | 361 Hectares | 2713 | 522265 |
3 | Bethapudi | 590499 | 900 Hectares | 6883 | 522265 |
4 | Peteru | 590500 | 859 Hectares | 8547 | 522265 |
5 | Penumudi | 590501 | 553 Hectares | 3534 | 522265 |
6 | Chatragadda | 590502 | 449 Hectares | 1893 | 522265 |
7 | Kamarajugadda | 590503 | 693 Hectares | 1985 | 522265 |
8 | Nalluru | 590504 | 780 Hectares | 1862 | 522265 |
9 | Aravapalle | 590505 | 437 Hectares | 1900 | 522265 |
10 | Uppudi | 590506 | 764 Hectares | 2982 | 522265 |
11 | Isukapalle (R) | 590507 | 1051 Hectares | 2143 | 522265 |
12 | Singupalem | 590508 | 1529 Hectares | 3656 | 522264 |
13 | Visweswaram | 590509 | 317 Hectares | 794 | 522264 |
14 | Chodayapalem | 590510 | 1774 Hectares | 5387 | 522264 |
15 | Kaithepalle | 590511 | 931 Hectares | 2520 | 522264 |
16 | Potumeraka | 590512 | 2592 Hectares | 5126 | 522264 |
17 | Gangadipalem | 590513 | 4059 Hectares | 9198 | 522264 |
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