

Kothapalle is belongs to Adilabad district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kothapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Sirpur
District : Adilabad
State : Telangana

Nearest Kothapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Raghapur 569752 745 Hectares 895 504313
2 Bhurnur 569753 460 Hectares 667 504313
3 Phullara 569754 553 Hectares 725 504313
4 Devadpalle 569755 280 Hectares 263 504313
5 Seetagondi 569756 975 Hectares 593 504313
6 Pangdi 569757 4503 Hectares 3363 504313
7 Babjipet 569758 1872 Hectares 743 504313
8 Chorpalle 569759 3816 Hectares 1144 504313
9 Vankamaddi 569760 580 Hectares 654 504313
10 Netnur 569761 1814 Hectares 1452 504313
11 Pamulawada 569762 1310 Hectares 999 504313
12 Sirpur 569763 888 Hectares 1617 504313
13 Kohinur (Buzurg) 569764 386 Hectares 567 504313
14 Kohinur (Khurd) 569765 1266 Hectares 679 504313
15 Shettihadapnur 569766 860 Hectares 733 504313
16 Chapri 569767 519 Hectares 237 504313
17 Dhanora 569768 586 Hectares 640 504313
18 Mahagaon 569769 436 Hectares 1075 504313
19 Ghumnur (Khurd) 569770 448 Hectares 371 504313
20 Ghumnur (Buzurg) 569771 762 Hectares 680 504313
21 Khanchanpalle 569772 984 Hectares 738 504313
22 Kothapalle 569773 2100 Hectares 1578 504313
23 Mamidipalle 569774 2651 Hectares 2202 504313
24 Lingapur 569775 1361 Hectares 1691 504313
25 Yellapatar 569776 1132 Hectares 805 504313
26 Jamuldhara 569777 888 Hectares 986 504313

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