
Sowbhagya Rayapuram

Sowbhagya Rayapuram is belongs to Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Sowbhagya Rayapuram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Pendurthi
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Sowbhagya Rayapuram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Gorapalle 586060 494 Hectares 3716 531173
2 Saripalle 586061 525 Hectares 4404 531173
3 Mudapaka 586062 816 Hectares 1402 531173
4 Gurrampalem 586063 535 Hectares 3727 531173
5 Rajayyapeta 586064 223 Hectares 1774 531173
6 Juthada 586065 116 Hectares 465 531173
7 Valimeraka 586066 401 Hectares 1710 531173
8 Sowbhagya Rayapuram 586067 346 Hectares 3025 531173
9 Rampuram 586068 307 Hectares 3536 531173
10 Pinagadi 586069 667 Hectares 2390 531173
11 Peddagadi 586070 900 Hectares 2279 531173
12 Chintagatla 586071 228 Hectares 1602 531035
13 Jerripothulapalem 586072 306 Hectares 957 530027
14 Cheemalapalle (R) 586073 292 Hectares 746 530027
15 Lakshmi Puram (R) 586074 223 Hectares 647 530027

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