

Taderu is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Taderu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Bhimavaram
District : West Siang
State : Arunachal Pradesh

Nearest Taderu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Annavaram 588726 319 Hectares 1396 534202
2 Narasimhapuram 588727 184 Hectares 2075 534202
3 Kovvada 588728 220 Hectares 2861 534202
4 Chinamiram (Part) 588729 477 Hectares 4699 534204
5 Rayalam (R) (Part) 588730 418 Hectares 5863 534208
6 Taderu 588731 903 Hectares 3666 534202
7 Yenamadurru 588732 998 Hectares 3878 534239
8 Komarada 588733 633 Hectares 2289 534208
9 Anakoderu 588734 1917 Hectares 5697 534208
10 Losarigutlapadu 588735 3338 Hectares 22831 534239
11 Dirusumarru 588736 1414 Hectares 8645 534239
12 Bethapudi 588737 724 Hectares 3326 534207
13 Tundurru 588738 1672 Hectares 5418 534207
14 Vempa 588739 2584 Hectares 6892 534207

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