

Allapur is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Allapur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Tadoor
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Allapur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Bhallanpalle 575697 1435 Hectares 2130 509502
2 Papagal 575698 1433 Hectares 1694 509502
3 Sirsawada 575699 1418 Hectares 2263 509502
4 Aithole 575700 1418 Hectares 1827 509502
5 Govindayapalle 575701 619 Hectares 1130 509502
6 Yatdharpalle 575702 546 Hectares 947 509502
7 Antharam 575703 525 Hectares 1250 509502
8 Nagadevupalle 575704 223 Hectares 527 509502
9 Akunellikuduru 575705 742 Hectares 1082 509502
10 Yadireddipalle 575706 1289 Hectares 2467 509502
11 Indrakal 575707 1898 Hectares 2414 509502
12 Yatmatapur 575708 590 Hectares 1073 509502
13 Thummalasugur 575709 766 Hectares 1643 509502
14 Parvathayapalle 575710 501 Hectares 673 509502
15 Kummera 575711 1467 Hectares 2536 509502
16 Thirumalapur 575712 702 Hectares 1574 509502
17 Cherlaitikyala 575713 1488 Hectares 1498 509502
18 Tadoor 575714 2129 Hectares 4579 509502
19 Gunthakoduru 575715 826 Hectares 2034 509502
20 Yengampalle 575716 337 Hectares 547 509502
21 Medipur 575717 716 Hectares 1607 509502
22 Polmur 575718 987 Hectares 1527 509502
23 Allapur 575719 480 Hectares 1353 509502

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