Talarlapalle, Gurappanaidupalem is belongs to Guntur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Talarlapalle, Gurappanaidupalem |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Nuzendla |
District | : | Guntur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Thangirala | 590091 | 801 Hectares | 652 | 522659 |
2 | Murthuzapuram | 590092 | 2003 Hectares | 2284 | 522660 |
3 | Chintala Cheruvu | 590093 | 2226 Hectares | 3891 | 522660 |
4 | Peddavaram | 590094 | 540 Hectares | 630 | 522660 |
5 | Inavolu | 590095 | 485 Hectares | 5171 | 522659 |
6 | Mukkellapadu | 590096 | 2752 Hectares | 3920 | 522659 |
7 | Pamidipadu | 590097 | 3228 Hectares | 3083 | 522660 |
8 | Khambhampadu | 590098 | 1646 Hectares | 2530 | 522647 |
9 | T.Annavaram | 590099 | 635 Hectares | 540 | 522660 |
10 | Tellabadu | 590100 | 580 Hectares | 903 | 522659 |
11 | Uppalapadu | 590101 | 1609 Hectares | 2377 | 522659 |
12 | Tripurapuram | 590102 | 1380 Hectares | 2340 | 522660 |
13 | Kondraprolu | 590103 | 934 Hectares | 453 | 522660 |
14 | Mulakalur | 590104 | 1074 Hectares | 1681 | 522660 |
15 | Puvvada | 590105 | 2498 Hectares | 3848 | 522660 |
16 | Talarlapalle | 590106 | 2399 Hectares | 3366 | 522660 |
17 | V.Appapuram | 590107 | 837 Hectares | 1672 | 522660 |
18 | Nuzendla | 590108 | 2431 Hectares | 5541 | 522660 |
19 | Putchanuthala | 590109 | 4177 Hectares | 6080 | 522660 |
20 | Thimmapuram | 590110 | 745 Hectares | 1891 | 522660 |
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