Tallabhadra is belongs to Srikakulam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Tallabhadra |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Sompeta |
District | : | Srikakulam |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Malagovindapuram | 580487 | 433 Hectares | 1583 | 532264 |
2 | Vikrampuram | 580488 | 115 Hectares | 583 | 532264 |
3 | Sunkidi | 580489 | 333 Hectares | 2172 | 532264 |
4 | Busabhadra | 580490 | 51 Hectares | 312 | 532264 |
5 | Jalantrapothangi | 580491 | 32 Hectares | 545 | 532264 |
6 | Makannapuram | 580492 | 477 Hectares | 1394 | 532264 |
7 | Padmanabhapuram | 580493 | 56 Hectares | 399 | 532284 |
8 | Saradapuram | 580494 | 203 Hectares | 779 | 532284 |
9 | Besiramachandrapuram | 580495 | 690 Hectares | 2711 | 532284 |
10 | Lakkavaram | 580496 | 219 Hectares | 920 | 532284 |
11 | Palasapuram | 580497 | 307 Hectares | 2075 | 532284 |
12 | Zinkibhadra | 580498 | 190 Hectares | 2612 | 532284 |
13 | Benkili | 580499 | 324 Hectares | 1544 | 532284 |
14 | Rushikudda | 580500 | 828 Hectares | 3530 | 532292 |
15 | Gollagandi | 580501 | 460 Hectares | 2677 | 532263 |
16 | Baruvapeta | 580502 | 1398 Hectares | 4939 | 532264 |
17 | Baruva | 580503 | 629 Hectares | 5795 | 532263 |
18 | Korlam | 580504 | 318 Hectares | 3531 | 532264 |
19 | Palavalasa | 580505 | 544 Hectares | 2654 | 532264 |
20 | Karthalipalem | 580506 | 603 Hectares | 2853 | 532264 |
21 | Jagathikesapuram | 580507 | 163 Hectares | 659 | 532264 |
22 | Pothrakonda | 580508 | 163 Hectares | 1443 | 532264 |
23 | Ananthapuram | 580509 | 28 Hectares | 408 | 532264 |
24 | Tallabhadra | 580510 | 439 Hectares | 1566 | 532243 |
25 | Ranigam | 580511 | 130 Hectares | 726 | 532264 |
26 | Turakasasanam | 580512 | 140 Hectares | 707 | 532264 |
27 | Damodarapuram | 580513 | 28 Hectares | 157 | 532263 |
28 | Mulapalam | 580514 | 132 Hectares | 176 | 532263 |
29 | Gollavooru | 580515 | 253 Hectares | 1491 | 532263 |
30 | Uppalam | 580516 | 153 Hectares | 2954 | 532263 |
31 | Rajam | 580517 | 176 Hectares | 899 | 532264 |
32 | Mamidipalle | 580518 | 425 Hectares | 3137 | 532264 |
33 | Pathinivalasa | 580519 | 60 Hectares | 509 | 532264 |
34 | Sirimamidi | 580520 | 295 Hectares | 1690 | 532263 |
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