

Bandarupalle is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Bandarupalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Thoguta
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Bandarupalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Ghanpur 573065 852 Hectares 2093 502114
2 Thoguta 573066 818 Hectares 3833 502372
3 Thukkapur 573067 565 Hectares 1296 502372
4 Yellareddipeta 573068 1091 Hectares 2517 502372
5 Bandarupalle 573069 800 Hectares 1668 502114
6 P Masanpalle 573070 1305 Hectares 1767 502372
7 Eligaddakistapur 573071 1160 Hectares 3320 502301
8 Vemulaghat 573072 2256 Hectares 2805 502301
9 Pallepahad 573073 959 Hectares 1767 502301
10 Gudikandula 573074 1906 Hectares 3877 502114
11 Kangal 573075 1010 Hectares 1971 502114
12 Lingampet 573076 337 Hectares 594 502372
13 Zaptilingareddipalle 573077 462 Hectares 1342 502372
14 Lingapur 573078 852 Hectares 1953 502278
15 Venkatraopet 573079 788 Hectares 2765 502278
16 Chandapur 573080 297 Hectares 920 502278

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