

Kothur is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Kothur
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Tirupati (Rural)
District : Chittoor
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Kothur Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Pudipatla 595713 512 Hectares 8919 517505
2 Mallavaram 595714 207 Hectares 2471 517505
3 Kalur 595715 163 Hectares 1411 517505
4 Paidi Palle 595716 405 Hectares 1211 517505
5 Patha Kalva 595717 52 Hectares 346 517505
6 Gollapalle 595718 165 Hectares 944 517505
7 Thummala Gunta (Part) 595719 174 Hectares 2432 517502
8 Chiguruwada North Khandriga 595720 238 Hectares 1527 517502
9 Chiguruwada South Khandriga 595721 301 Hectares 902 517502
10 Durga Samudram 595722 1188 Hectares 3160 517563
11 Kuntrapakam 595723 688 Hectares 2181 517561
12 Nallamani Kalva 595724 166 Hectares 817 517561
13 Kupu Chandra Peta 595725 126 Hectares 902 517563
14 Ramanuja Palle 595726 73 Hectares 661 517563
15 Mallam Gunta 595727 101 Hectares 3042 517503
16 Vedantha Puram 595728 246 Hectares 1861 517503
17 Daminedu 595729 480 Hectares 5850 517503
18 Padi 595730 365 Hectares 1776 517503
19 Mundlapudi 595731 156 Hectares 1977 517503
20 Thanapalle 595732 110 Hectares 903 517503
21 Yogimallvaram 595733 17 Hectares 2166 517503
22 Vemur 595734 429 Hectares 1399 517503
23 Panakam 595735 214 Hectares 1114 517503
24 Kothur 595736 151 Hectares 402 517503
25 Brahmana Pattu 595737 246 Hectares 2097 517551
26 Konkachennaiahgunta 596008 72 Hectares 581
27 Chennayyagunta 596009 119 Hectares 3984

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