Tsallakudlur is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Tsallakudlur |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Yemmiganur |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Soganur | 593824 | 742 Hectares | 2227 | 518360 |
2 | K.Thimmapuram | 593825 | 698 Hectares | 2939 | 518360 |
3 | Tsallakudlur | 593826 | 1015 Hectares | 1876 | 518360 |
4 | Divamdinne | 593827 | 643 Hectares | 4571 | 518360 |
5 | Garladinne | 593828 | 442 Hectares | 814 | 518360 |
6 | Pesaladinne | 593829 | 756 Hectares | 1268 | 518360 |
7 | Enigabala | 593830 | 1489 Hectares | 2574 | 518360 |
8 | Parlapalle | 593831 | 1480 Hectares | 4648 | 518360 |
9 | Kalugotla | 593832 | 2006 Hectares | 4551 | 518360 |
10 | Sardarpuram | 593833 | 237 Hectares | - | |
11 | Gudikal | 593834 | 1531 Hectares | 11213 | 518360 |
12 | Banavasi | 593835 | 1870 Hectares | 4695 | 518323 |
13 | Kandanathi | 593836 | 3516 Hectares | 7659 | 518350 |
14 | Malakapuram | 593837 | 756 Hectares | 1973 | 518360 |
15 | Kadivella | 593838 | 3192 Hectares | 5248 | 518350 |
16 | Kotekal | 593839 | 3594 Hectares | 6115 | 518360 |
17 | Kadimetla | 593840 | 3098 Hectares | 8919 | 518360 |
18 | Devibetta | 593841 | 972 Hectares | 1652 | 518360 |
19 | Ralladoddi | 593842 | 848 Hectares | 1253 | 518360 |
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