Udiripikonda is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Udiripikonda |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kudair |
District | : | Anantapur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Udiripikonda | 594965 | 4199 Hectares | 4803 | 515711 |
2 | Marutla | 594966 | 3299 Hectares | 2942 | 515711 |
3 | Kalagalla | 594967 | 2662 Hectares | 1661 | 515711 |
4 | Ipperu | 594968 | 4677 Hectares | 5390 | 515711 |
5 | Cholasamudram | 594969 | 1592 Hectares | 2034 | 515711 |
6 | Korrakodu | 594970 | 3567 Hectares | 3301 | 515711 |
7 | Jayapuram | 594971 | 1543 Hectares | 627 | 515711 |
8 | Mavinamardhanahalli | 594972 | 1121 Hectares | 1126 | 515711 |
9 | Thimmapuram | 594973 | 2656 Hectares | 4231 | 515711 |
10 | Kudair | 594974 | 4324 Hectares | 6315 | 515711 |
11 | Kamuru | 594975 | 3418 Hectares | 3441 | 515711 |
12 | Gotukur | 594976 | 1635 Hectares | 1862 | 515111 |
13 | Brahmanapalle | 594977 | 1122 Hectares | 579 | 515711 |
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