Uppugal is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Uppugal |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Zaffergadh |
District | : | Warangal (Rural) |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Uppugal | 578165 | 603 Hectares | 4750 | 506143 |
2 | Raghunathpalle | 578166 | 542 Hectares | 1868 | 506143 |
3 | Venkatapuram | 578167 | 1510 Hectares | 4433 | 506003 |
4 | Garmillapalle | 578168 | 1280 Hectares | 2294 | 506143 |
5 | Kunoor | 578169 | 1111 Hectares | 3356 | 506143 |
6 | Thamadapalle (I) Ippagudem | 578170 | 588 Hectares | 1971 | 506143 |
7 | Thimmampet | 578171 | 1095 Hectares | 2450 | 506143 |
8 | Konaichelam | 578172 | 705 Hectares | 1561 | 506143 |
9 | Thidugu | 578173 | 616 Hectares | 1469 | 506313 |
10 | Sagaram | 578174 | 557 Hectares | 2070 | 506313 |
11 | Zaffergadh | 578175 | 3355 Hectares | 9698 | 506316 |
12 | Theegaram | 578176 | 860 Hectares | 2031 | 506143 |
13 | Suraram | 578177 | 470 Hectares | 1632 | 506316 |
14 | Shapalle | 578178 | 272 Hectares | 637 | 506252 |
15 | Thammadapalle (G) Guduru | 578179 | 1008 Hectares | 2639 | 506316 |
16 | Obulapur | 578180 | 1401 Hectares | 2003 | 506310 |
17 | Thimmapur | 578181 | 505 Hectares | 941 | 506316 |
18 | Aliyabad | 578182 | 95 Hectares | 96 | 506316 |
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