Vedurur is belongs to YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Vedurur |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Chapad |
District | : | YSR District, Kadapa (Cuddapah) |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Madur | 593102 | 2036 Hectares | 4371 | 516362 |
2 | Vengannagaripalle | 593103 | 127 Hectares | 164 | 516362 |
3 | Chiyyapadu | 593104 | 1437 Hectares | 4657 | 516355 |
4 | Morrayapalle | 593105 | 177 Hectares | 1268 | 516172 |
5 | Pitchapadu | 593106 | 431 Hectares | 1047 | 516172 |
6 | Somapuram | 593107 | 284 Hectares | 1103 | 516172 |
7 | Bhadripalle | 593108 | 669 Hectares | 2486 | 516172 |
8 | Nerrawada | 593109 | 266 Hectares | 675 | 516172 |
9 | Kethavaram | 593110 | 177 Hectares | - | |
10 | Chapad | 593111 | 543 Hectares | 2717 | 516355 |
11 | Pallavolu | 593112 | 1141 Hectares | 5113 | 516362 |
12 | Thummalapadu | 593113 | 102 Hectares | - | |
13 | Alladupalle | 593114 | 857 Hectares | 4168 | 516355 |
14 | Peddaguruvalur | 593115 | 386 Hectares | 1931 | 516172 |
15 | Budidapadu | 593116 | 435 Hectares | 69 | 516172 |
16 | Ananthapuram | 593117 | 1739 Hectares | 5384 | 516355 |
17 | Vedurur | 593118 | 904 Hectares | 3837 | 516355 |
18 | Kutchupapa | 593119 | 538 Hectares | 721 | 516355 |
19 | Chinnagurvalur | 593120 | 376 Hectares | 1668 | 516172 |
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