Velivarru is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Velivarru |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Undi |
District | : | West Siang |
State | : | Arunachal Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Kaligotla | 588603 | 327 Hectares | 2025 | 534189 |
2 | Aredu | 588604 | 710 Hectares | 1104 | 534189 |
3 | Panduvva | 588605 | 571 Hectares | 2455 | 534189 |
4 | Panduvvakhandrika | 588606 | 140 Hectares | 243 | 534189 |
5 | Unudurru | 588607 | 720 Hectares | 2079 | 534186 |
6 | Yendagandi | 588608 | 1122 Hectares | 5892 | 534186 |
7 | Uppuluru | 588609 | 594 Hectares | 3160 | 534199 |
8 | Chilukuru | 588610 | 838 Hectares | 2127 | 534199 |
9 | Kolamuru | 588611 | 1156 Hectares | 3298 | 534199 |
10 | Pamulaparru | 588612 | 456 Hectares | 2099 | 534199 |
11 | Arthamuru | 588613 | 468 Hectares | 1927 | 534199 |
12 | Cherukuwada | 588614 | 952 Hectares | 5639 | 534199 |
13 | Kalisipudi | 588615 | 351 Hectares | 1560 | 534199 |
14 | Undi | 588616 | 1915 Hectares | 15322 | 534199 |
15 | Pedapulleru | 588617 | 284 Hectares | 2919 | 534199 |
16 | Chinapulluru | 588618 | 285 Hectares | 1403 | 534237 |
17 | Vandrum | 588619 | 678 Hectares | 2393 | 534204 |
18 | Narasimharajapura Agraharam | 588620 | 354 Hectares | 3156 | 534199 |
19 | Velivarru | 588621 | 287 Hectares | 1234 | 534199 |
20 | Mahadevapatnam | 588622 | 695 Hectares | 6014 | 534199 |
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