

Velpupalle is belongs to Nalgonda district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Velpupalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : M.Turkapalle
District : Nalgonda
State : Telangana

Nearest Velpupalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Gopal Puram 576475 944 Hectares 1125 508115
2 Kondapur 576476 608 Hectares 1171 508115
3 Srinivasapur 576477 450 Hectares 273 508115
4 Tirumalapur 576478 733 Hectares 1203 508115
5 Veerareddi Palle 576479 1471 Hectares 1835 508115
6 Gandamalla 576480 1566 Hectares 2958 508115
7 Konapuram 576481 754 Hectares 718 508112
8 Ibrahimpur 576482 808 Hectares 1119 508112
9 Dattai Palle 576483 975 Hectares 1397 508112
10 Mannevari Turkapalle 576484 518 Hectares 2571 508112
11 Vasala Marri 576485 1592 Hectares 1763 508112
12 Malka Puram 576486 569 Hectares 1722 508112
13 China Laxma Puram 576487 567 Hectares 1134 508112
14 Nagai Palle 576488 365 Hectares 1280 508116
15 Madha Puram 576489 1223 Hectares 3400 508116
16 Dharmaram 576490 473 Hectares 1026 508116
17 Mulakala Palle 576491 976 Hectares 2094 508116
18 Palle Pahad 576492 1594 Hectares 2643 508116
19 Rusta Puram 576493 882 Hectares 2392 508117
20 Venkatapur 576494 1108 Hectares 1176 508117
21 Komatikunta 576495 22 Hectares -
22 Velpupalle 576496 978 Hectares 797 508117

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