

Vepoor is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Vepoor
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Hanwada
District : Mahabubnagar
State : Telangana

Nearest Vepoor Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Cheekarlapalle 575053 315 Hectares -
2 Vepoor 575054 1218 Hectares 4847
3 Gundiyal 575055 2343 Hectares 6126
4 Ayodhyanagar 575056 276 Hectares 855
5 Shaikpalle 575057 481 Hectares 1961
6 Munimokesham 575058 790 Hectares 2679
7 Dorasamudram 575059 86 Hectares -
8 Yarenpalle 575060 192 Hectares 536
9 Madharam 575061 303 Hectares 757
10 Ammapur 575062 549 Hectares 992
11 Naginonipalle 575063 230 Hectares 1575
12 Hanwada 575064 3166 Hectares 9916
13 Peddadharpalle 575065 678 Hectares 2480
14 Chinnadharpalle 575066 735 Hectares 4409
15 Kothapeta 575067 909 Hectares 4104
16 Tankara 575068 867 Hectares 4266
17 Budharam 575069 1011 Hectares 2589
18 Ibrahimbad 575070 1312 Hectares 3485
19 Guddimalkapur 575071 609 Hectares 1972
20 Dachekpalle 575072 1021 Hectares 1495

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