

Virojipalle is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Virojipalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Shankarampet (A)
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Virojipalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Tenkati 572838 1204 Hectares 3577 502271
2 Chintal Lakshmapur 572839 606 Hectares -
3 Jambikunta 572840 1204 Hectares 1275 502271
4 Cheelapalle 572841 737 Hectares 1764 502271
5 Uthloor 572842 644 Hectares 2406 502271
6 Narayanapalle 572843 57 Hectares 214 502271
7 Kothepet 572844 298 Hectares 789 502271
8 Koppole 572845 252 Hectares -
9 Jukal 572846 1397 Hectares 2010 502271
10 Virojipalle 572847 733 Hectares 1647 502271
11 Ramajipalle 572848 359 Hectares 1411 502271
12 Sivaipalle 572849 176 Hectares 1074 502221
13 Danampalle 572850 218 Hectares 510 502271
14 Musapet 572851 179 Hectares 1915 502271
15 Thirumalapur 572852 451 Hectares 2137 502271
16 Kamalapur 572853 236 Hectares 1364 502271
17 Malkapur 572854 355 Hectares 1896 502271
18 Baddaram 572855 361 Hectares 1158 502271
19 Gottimukkala 572856 837 Hectares 1913 502290
20 Venkatapur (Katela) 572857 674 Hectares 1202 502271
21 Kollapalle 572858 363 Hectares 1234 502227
22 Maktha Lakshmapur 572859 1295 Hectares 1852 502271
23 Marshetpalle 572860 709 Hectares 1517 502271
24 Burugupalle 572861 834 Hectares 2061 502113

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