

Korukonda is belongs to Vizianagaram district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Korukonda
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Vizianagaram
District : Vizianagaram
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Korukonda Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Gunkalam 583115 796 Hectares 3877 535003
2 Dwarapudi 583116 684 Hectares 3317 535003
3 Kondakarakam 583117 699 Hectares 3334 535003
4 Venugopalapuram 583118 57 Hectares 636 535001
5 Siriyalapeta 583119 298 Hectares 65 535001
6 Rakodu 583120 509 Hectares 2019 535004
7 Pinavemali 583121 775 Hectares 1122 535004
8 Korukonda 583122 1024 Hectares 5012 535214
9 Sarika 583123 1235 Hectares 4681 535004
10 Jagannadhapuram @ Jonnavalasa 583124 295 Hectares 3173 535004
11 Duppada 583125 280 Hectares 3853 535003
12 Hajisahebpeta 583126 247 Hectares -
13 Cheluvuru 583127 305 Hectares 3270 535005
14 Dharmapuri (R) 583128 340 Hectares 4635 535004
15 Jammu Narayana Puram (R) (Part) 583129 691 Hectares 4647 535006

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