

Mylaram is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Mylaram
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Wargal
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Mylaram Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Narsampalle 573671 674 Hectares 1029 502334
2 Nacharam 573672 673 Hectares 2288 502334
3 Majidpalle 573673 632 Hectares 2770 502334
4 Mentur 573674 1318 Hectares 3458 502334
5 Jabbapur 573675 304 Hectares 899 502334
6 Mylaram 573676 934 Hectares 2262 502310
7 Kondaipalle 573677 125 Hectares -
8 Govindapur 573678 279 Hectares 578 502334
9 Girmapur 573679 238 Hectares 641 502334
10 Madharam 573680 464 Hectares 515 502334
11 Chandapur 573681 340 Hectares 65 502334
12 Veluru 573682 1194 Hectares 2943 502336
13 Ananthagiripalle 573683 622 Hectares 1374 502334
14 Ramachandrapur 573684 131 Hectares -
15 Meenjipeta 573685 1022 Hectares 1570 502336
16 Tunki Makta 573686 22 Hectares 544 502336
17 Tunkikhalasa 573687 1677 Hectares 3063 502336
18 Amberpet 573688 180 Hectares 991 502334
19 Sitarampalle 573689 131 Hectares 638 502334
20 Shakaram 573690 316 Hectares 463 502279
21 Wargal 573691 2665 Hectares 9464 502279
22 Gouraram 573692 733 Hectares 2414 502279
23 Singaipalle 573693 168 Hectares 793 502279
24 Pamulaparthi 573694 2141 Hectares 5763 502279

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