

Vemulapadu is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Vemulapadu
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Yadiki
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Vemulapadu Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Chandana 594785 3577 Hectares 5811 515455
2 Rayalacheruvu 594786 1417 Hectares 6493 515455
3 Tutrallapalle 594787 884 Hectares 1518 515455
4 Nagarur 594788 2019 Hectares 2320 515455
5 Puppala 594789 2033 Hectares 2413 515455
6 Thimmapuram 594790 363 Hectares 138 515455
7 Vemulapadu 594791 1857 Hectares 2312 515455
8 Yadiki 594792 4203 Hectares 24018 515408
9 Obulapuram 594793 486 Hectares 736 515408
10 Konuppalapadu 594794 3458 Hectares 2109 515408
11 Kundanakota 594795 1087 Hectares 261 515408
12 Gudipadu 594796 3926 Hectares 1455 515408
13 Kamalapadu 594797 3448 Hectares 3214 515408
14 Nittoor 594798 2783 Hectares 3324 515408

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