Yellamla is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yellamla |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Jangaon |
District | : | Warangal (Rural) |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Goparajpalle | 578223 | 747 Hectares | 1497 | 506167 |
2 | Peddapahad | 578224 | 1779 Hectares | 3478 | 506167 |
3 | Venkriyala | 578225 | 1021 Hectares | 1594 | 506167 |
4 | Adavikeshvapur | 578226 | 675 Hectares | 1493 | 506167 |
5 | Yerragollapahad | 578227 | 1042 Hectares | 2291 | 506167 |
6 | Marigadi | 578228 | 1057 Hectares | 2547 | 506167 |
7 | Gangupahad | 578229 | 1132 Hectares | 2798 | 506167 |
8 | Wadlakonda | 578230 | 639 Hectares | 3695 | 506310 |
9 | Oblakeshvapur | 578231 | 728 Hectares | 2002 | 506221 |
10 | Peddaramancherla | 578232 | 1074 Hectares | 1508 | 506221 |
11 | Chowdarpalle | 578233 | 146 Hectares | 103 | 506167 |
12 | Siddenki | 578234 | 834 Hectares | 1664 | 506201 |
13 | Pasarmadla | 578235 | 1013 Hectares | 1687 | 506201 |
14 | Yellamla | 578236 | 993 Hectares | 2011 | 506201 |
15 | Pembarthy | 578237 | 1256 Hectares | 4295 | 506201 |
16 | Shamirpet | 578238 | 1098 Hectares | 2687 | 506167 |
17 | Cheetakodur | 578239 | 808 Hectares | 1509 | 506167 |
18 | Chowdaram | 578240 | 795 Hectares | 1371 | 506167 |
19 | Yeswanthapur | 578241 | 662 Hectares | 1822 | 506167 |
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