Yellankivaripallle & Pochamvaripalle is belongs to Chittoor district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yellankivaripallle & Pochamvaripalle |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Pulicherla |
District | : | Chittoor |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | E.Ramireddigari Palle | 596173 | 1514 Hectares | 1989 | 517113 |
2 | Ayyavandlapalle | 596174 | 1212 Hectares | 1949 | 517113 |
3 | Venkatadasari Palle | 596175 | 1193 Hectares | 1827 | 517113 |
4 | Bodireddigaripalle | 596176 | 928 Hectares | 2881 | 517113 |
5 | Kallur | 596177 | 1058 Hectares | 8204 | 517113 |
6 | Devalampet | 596178 | 955 Hectares | 1766 | 517113 |
7 | Bandaruvaripalle | 596179 | 1005 Hectares | 2101 | 517113 |
8 | Reddivaripalle | 596180 | 1241 Hectares | 2324 | 517172 |
9 | Ramireddigaripalle | 596181 | 672 Hectares | 1395 | 517172 |
10 | Gaddamvaripalle | 596182 | 949 Hectares | 1830 | 517172 |
11 | Mangalampeta | 596183 | 981 Hectares | 3139 | 517172 |
12 | Vallivetivaripalle | 596184 | 369 Hectares | 872 | 517172 |
13 | Yellankivaripallle | 596185 | 612 Hectares | 2484 | 517172 |
14 | Rayavaripalle | 596186 | 785 Hectares | 1274 | 517172 |
15 | Kavetigaripalle | 596187 | 842 Hectares | 3073 | 517172 |
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