

Pathapalle is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Pathapalle
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Yellanur
District : Anantapur
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Pathapalle Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Vemulapalle 595035 1399 Hectares 957
2 Medukurthy 595036 498 Hectares 463 515465
3 Nitturu 595037 664 Hectares 851 515408
4 Peddamallepalle 595038 1125 Hectares 1189
5 Thirumalapuram 595039 785 Hectares 762
6 Yellanur 595040 3838 Hectares 6715 515465
7 Kacharlakunta 595041 575 Hectares 32
8 Pathapalle 595042 1175 Hectares 937
9 Vennapurapalle 595043 1615 Hectares 1791 515465
10 Kodumurthy 595044 702 Hectares 629
11 Chilamakuru 595045 1484 Hectares 1584 515465
12 Boppepalle 595046 3496 Hectares 2867
13 Bukkapuram 595047 1500 Hectares 2003
14 Aravedu 595048 336 Hectares 296 515465
15 Mallagundla 595049 1323 Hectares 1369
16 Y.Chintakayamanda 595050 1261 Hectares 4369 515465
17 Goddumarri 595051 3577 Hectares 2998 515465
18 Singavaram 595052 1526 Hectares 2898 515465
19 Kalluru 595053 2797 Hectares 3022 515465

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