Yellarthy is belongs to Kurnool district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yellarthy |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Holagunda |
District | : | Kurnool |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Gajjehalli | 594107 | 2588 Hectares | 3909 | 518308 |
2 | Vandavagali | 594108 | 2803 Hectares | 3599 | 518308 |
3 | Ingaladahal | 594109 | 419 Hectares | 1866 | 518346 |
4 | Maddi Lingadahalli | 594110 | 658 Hectares | 1189 | 518346 |
5 | Pedda Gonehal | 594111 | 1249 Hectares | 1358 | 518346 |
6 | Hebbatam | 594112 | 3123 Hectares | 3988 | 518308 |
7 | Lingadahalli | 594113 | 1299 Hectares | 1830 | 518346 |
8 | Neraniki | 594114 | 3753 Hectares | 3995 | 518395 |
9 | Yellarthy | 594115 | 2353 Hectares | 2603 | 518395 |
10 | Chinnahyta | 594116 | 1435 Hectares | 1894 | 518346 |
11 | Holagunda | 594117 | 4862 Hectares | 14593 | 518346 |
12 | Honnur | 594118 | 522 Hectares | 539 | 518346 |
13 | Nagarakanvi | 594119 | 365 Hectares | 348 | 518346 |
14 | Marlamadiki | 594120 | 745 Hectares | 1226 | 518346 |
15 | Muddatamagi | 594121 | 747 Hectares | 1063 | 518346 |
16 | Kogilathota | 594122 | 1170 Hectares | 1864 | 518346 |
17 | Peddahyta | 594123 | 1482 Hectares | 658 | 518346 |
18 | Sammathagiri | 594124 | 766 Hectares | 1047 | 518346 |
19 | Mugumangondi | 594125 | 662 Hectares | 403 | 518346 |
20 | Suluvoy | 594126 | 1731 Hectares | 2620 | 518346 |
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