

Yerajerla is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Yerajerla
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Ongole
District : Prakasam
State : Andhra Pradesh

Nearest Yerajerla Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Throvagunta 591328 1402 Hectares 7992 523262
2 Karavadi 591329 2643 Hectares 6327 523182
3 Ulichi 591330 1393 Hectares 2667 523182
4 Devaram Padu 591331 2993 Hectares 6366 523182
5 Chejerla 591332 1034 Hectares 1240 523182
6 Koppolu (R) 591333 2157 Hectares 4837 523286
7 Gudimella Padu 591334 175 Hectares 543 523262
8 Mukthinutala Padu (R) 591335 870 Hectares 3092 523262
9 Kothamamidipalem (R) 591336 885 Hectares 164 523001
10 Vengamukka Palem 591337 660 Hectares 2404 523272
11 Sarvereddy Palem 591338 1070 Hectares 2181 523272
12 Yerajerla 591339 1011 Hectares 2913 523272
13 Cheruvu Kommu Palem 591340 866 Hectares 3062 523272
14 Mangaladri Puram 591341 250 Hectares 892 523272
15 Pelluru (R) 591342 1821 Hectares 3012 523272
16 Narasa Puram 591343 279 Hectares 684 523272
17 Malleshwarapuram 591344 172 Hectares -

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