Yerajerla, Mangaladripuram is belongs to Prakasam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yerajerla, Mangaladripuram |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Ongole |
District | : | Prakasam |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Throvagunta | 591328 | 1402 Hectares | 7992 | 523262 |
2 | Karavadi | 591329 | 2643 Hectares | 6327 | 523182 |
3 | Ulichi | 591330 | 1393 Hectares | 2667 | 523182 |
4 | Devaram Padu | 591331 | 2993 Hectares | 6366 | 523182 |
5 | Chejerla | 591332 | 1034 Hectares | 1240 | 523182 |
6 | Koppolu (R) | 591333 | 2157 Hectares | 4837 | 523286 |
7 | Gudimella Padu | 591334 | 175 Hectares | 543 | 523262 |
8 | Mukthinutala Padu (R) | 591335 | 870 Hectares | 3092 | 523262 |
9 | Kothamamidipalem (R) | 591336 | 885 Hectares | 164 | 523001 |
10 | Vengamukka Palem | 591337 | 660 Hectares | 2404 | 523272 |
11 | Sarvereddy Palem | 591338 | 1070 Hectares | 2181 | 523272 |
12 | Yerajerla | 591339 | 1011 Hectares | 2913 | 523272 |
13 | Cheruvu Kommu Palem | 591340 | 866 Hectares | 3062 | 523272 |
14 | Mangaladri Puram | 591341 | 250 Hectares | 892 | 523272 |
15 | Pelluru (R) | 591342 | 1821 Hectares | 3012 | 523272 |
16 | Narasa Puram | 591343 | 279 Hectares | 684 | 523272 |
17 | Malleshwarapuram | 591344 | 172 Hectares | - |
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