Yergatla is belongs to Nizamabad district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yergatla |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Mortad |
District | : | Nizamabad |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Tadpakal | 570808 | 872 Hectares | 2011 | 503308 |
2 | Domchanda | 570809 | 901 Hectares | 1804 | 503308 |
3 | Gumeriyal | 570810 | 1030 Hectares | 2326 | 503308 |
4 | Tadla Rampur | 570811 | 641 Hectares | 2739 | 503308 |
5 | Yergatla | 570812 | 1932 Hectares | 5852 | 503308 |
6 | Battapur | 570813 | 654 Hectares | 1685 | 503308 |
7 | Thurat | 570814 | 1029 Hectares | 2137 | 503225 |
8 | Shetpalle | 570815 | 734 Hectares | 2754 | 503308 |
9 | Dharmora | 570816 | 858 Hectares | 2205 | 503311 |
10 | Donkal | 570817 | 1246 Hectares | 3332 | 503311 |
11 | Palem | 570818 | 1660 Hectares | 3177 | 503225 |
12 | Thimmapur | 570819 | 1575 Hectares | 4608 | 503225 |
13 | Mortad | 570820 | 2324 Hectares | 11123 | 503225 |
14 | Sunkat | 570821 | 1199 Hectares | 3019 | 503225 |
15 | Ramannapet | 570822 | 1545 Hectares | 4253 | 503225 |
16 | Donpal | 570823 | 639 Hectares | 1207 | 503225 |
17 | Vaddiyat | 570824 | 766 Hectares | 1921 | 503225 |
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