Yerrabelligudem is belongs to Warangal (Rural) district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yerrabelligudem |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Nellikudur |
District | : | Warangal (Rural) |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Mecharajpalle | 578550 | 487 Hectares | 3518 | 506368 |
2 | Yerrabelligudem | 578551 | 1637 Hectares | 3809 | 506368 |
3 | Ramanjapuram | 578552 | 170 Hectares | 296 | 506368 |
4 | Kachikal | 578553 | 728 Hectares | 1629 | 506368 |
5 | Chinnanagaram | 578554 | 919 Hectares | 2822 | 506368 |
6 | Rajulakothapalle | 578555 | 1404 Hectares | 2767 | 506368 |
7 | Chinnamupparam | 578556 | 2317 Hectares | 6559 | 506368 |
8 | Aleru | 578557 | 1288 Hectares | 3327 | 506101 |
9 | Vavilala | 578558 | 850 Hectares | 2793 | 506101 |
10 | Sriramgiri | 578559 | 1089 Hectares | 2995 | 506101 |
11 | Ravirala | 578560 | 437 Hectares | 1664 | 506368 |
12 | Nainala | 578561 | 1900 Hectares | 4802 | 506368 |
13 | Nellikudur | 578562 | 1959 Hectares | 8016 | 506368 |
14 | Brahmanakothapalle | 578563 | 833 Hectares | 1914 | 506368 |
15 | Bodlada | 578564 | 499 Hectares | 1868 | 506368 |
16 | Madanthurthy | 578565 | 1049 Hectares | 3325 | 506368 |
17 | Munugalvedu | 578566 | 1422 Hectares | 2963 | 506368 |
18 | Narasimhulagudem | 578567 | 1028 Hectares | 3277 | 506368 |
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