Yerrabommanahalli is belongs to Anantapur district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yerrabommanahalli |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Madakasira |
District | : | Anantapur |
State | : | Andhra Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Amidalagondi | 595350 | 3159 Hectares | 5900 | 515301 |
2 | Kothalam | 595351 | 304 Hectares | 350 | 515301 |
3 | Chandakacherela | 595352 | 1832 Hectares | 3635 | 515301 |
4 | Gowdanahalli | 595353 | 1964 Hectares | 3014 | 515301 |
5 | R. Anantapuram | 595354 | 1479 Hectares | 3566 | 515303 |
6 | Chathram | 595355 | 598 Hectares | 1815 | 515303 |
7 | Mallinayakanahalli | 595356 | 484 Hectares | 496 | 515301 |
8 | Madakasira | 595357 | 3018 Hectares | 21464 | 515301 |
9 | Melavoi | 595358 | 4863 Hectares | 10715 | 515301 |
10 | Govindapuram | 595359 | 1788 Hectares | 5342 | 515291 |
11 | Jadrahalli | 595360 | 236 Hectares | 229 | 515301 |
12 | Karesankanahalli | 595361 | 92 Hectares | 168 | 515301 |
13 | Yerrabommanahalli | 595362 | 2141 Hectares | 4512 | 515301 |
14 | Haresamudram | 595363 | 3316 Hectares | 5145 | 515301 |
15 | Bullasamudram | 595364 | 1634 Hectares | 3513 | 515303 |
16 | Upparlahalli | 595365 | 254 Hectares | 454 | 515301 |
17 | Manur | 595366 | 2443 Hectares | 4157 | 515303 |
18 | Kallumarri | 595367 | 2579 Hectares | 4550 | 515303 |
19 | C.Kodigepalle | 595368 | 1542 Hectares | 2202 | 515303 |
20 | Tirumaladevarahalli | 595369 | 185 Hectares | - |
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