Yerrampeta is belongs to West Siang district in the state of Arunachal Pradesh.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yerrampeta |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Koyyalagudem |
District | : | West Siang |
State | : | Arunachal Pradesh |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Vedanthapuram | 588148 | 702 Hectares | 2149 | 534311 |
2 | Ramanujapuram | 588149 | 789 Hectares | 2520 | 534311 |
3 | Bayyanagudem | 588150 | 1573 Hectares | 9393 | 534311 |
4 | Saripalle | 588151 | 1283 Hectares | 3521 | 534311 |
5 | Dippakayalapadu | 588152 | 1556 Hectares | 5408 | 534311 |
6 | Mahadevapuram | 588153 | 113 Hectares | 99 | 534311 |
7 | Kannapuram | 588154 | 413 Hectares | 5977 | 534311 |
8 | Mangapathidevipeta | 588155 | 965 Hectares | 2244 | 534311 |
9 | Parimpudi | 588156 | 4259 Hectares | 22300 | 534312 |
10 | Gavaravaram | 588157 | 630 Hectares | 4141 | 534312 |
11 | Chopparamannagudem | 588158 | 357 Hectares | 1437 | 534312 |
12 | Kannayagudem | 588159 | 409 Hectares | 778 | 534312 |
13 | Ponguturu | 588160 | 815 Hectares | 3294 | 534312 |
14 | Eduvadalapalem | 588161 | 860 Hectares | 1228 | 534312 |
15 | Rajavaram | 588162 | 1838 Hectares | 6443 | 534312 |
16 | Yerrampeta | 588163 | 671 Hectares | 3496 | 534312 |
17 | Kanakadripuram | 588164 | 836 Hectares | 361 | 534312 |
18 | Kuntalagudem | 588165 | 764 Hectares | 905 | 534312 |
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