Yetham is belongs to Mahabubnagar district in the state of Telangana.
Panchayat | Details | |
Name | : | Yetham |
Gram Panchayat Code | : | |
Block Name | : | Kodair |
District | : | Mahabubnagar |
State | : | Telangana |
# | Village | Village Code | Area | Population | Pincode |
1 | Rekulapalle | 576146 | 1005 Hectares | 1186 | 509206 |
2 | Singaipalle | 576147 | 1330 Hectares | 3196 | 509206 |
3 | Machupalle | 576148 | 637 Hectares | 2015 | 509206 |
4 | Turkadinne | 576149 | 563 Hectares | 1301 | 509206 |
5 | Muthireddipalle | 576150 | 648 Hectares | 1623 | 509206 |
6 | Janumpalle | 576151 | 1075 Hectares | 2649 | 509206 |
7 | Teegalapalle | 576152 | 986 Hectares | 2002 | 509206 |
8 | Bawaipalle | 576153 | 379 Hectares | 1084 | 509206 |
9 | Paspula | 576154 | 1469 Hectares | 2147 | 509206 |
10 | Khanapur | 576155 | 693 Hectares | 360 | 509206 |
11 | Kodair | 576156 | 2144 Hectares | 6426 | 509206 |
12 | Nagulapalle | 576157 | 1216 Hectares | 2752 | 509206 |
13 | Rajapuram | 576158 | 890 Hectares | 3338 | 509206 |
14 | Kadirepadu | 576159 | 549 Hectares | 1800 | 509206 |
15 | Mailaram | 576160 | 1964 Hectares | 3687 | 509702 |
16 | Badigadinne | 576161 | 462 Hectares | 726 | 509102 |
17 | Narsaipalle | 576162 | 1552 Hectares | 2810 | 509102 |
18 | Yetham | 576163 | 2273 Hectares | 3538 | 509102 |
19 | Kondraopallle | 576164 | 836 Hectares | 2346 | 509102 |
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