

Yousufpet is belongs to Medak district in the state of Telangana.

Panchayat   Details
Name : Yousufpet
Gram Panchayat Code :
Block Name : Papannapet
District : Medak
State : Telangana

Nearest Yousufpet Villages

# Village Village Code Area Population Pincode
1 Kompalle 572863 456 Hectares 1156 502271
2 Cheekode 572864 594 Hectares 1608 502271
3 Lingaipalle 572865 953 Hectares 3238 502271
4 Mallampet 572866 1235 Hectares 2832 502303
5 Ramathirtham 572867 529 Hectares 1758 502303
6 Muddapur 572868 163 Hectares 576 502303
7 Minpur 572869 426 Hectares 1825 502293
8 Kurthiwada 572870 1936 Hectares 2841 502331
9 Yousufpet 572871 859 Hectares 3932 502331
10 Kothapalle 572872 361 Hectares 3625 502331
11 Gandharpalle 572873 983 Hectares 1877 502331
12 Podchenpalle 572874 1350 Hectares 4989 502125
13 Ellapoor 572875 434 Hectares 2303 502125
14 Nagsanpalle 572876 1325 Hectares 2391 502331
15 Ablapur 572877 272 Hectares 1215 502331
16 Annaram 572878 593 Hectares 1648 502313
17 Doulapur 572879 519 Hectares 410 502331
18 Papannapet 572880 1066 Hectares 5419 502303
19 Thimmaipalle 572881 431 Hectares 336 502302
20 Arkela 572882 871 Hectares 2702 502302
21 Narsingi 572883 630 Hectares 1740 502302
22 Bacharam 572884 635 Hectares 2254 502302
23 Namapur 572885 607 Hectares 595 502302
24 Enkepalle 572886 259 Hectares 672 502331
25 Chitriyal 572887 540 Hectares 1792 502331
26 Kodpak 572888 1462 Hectares 3415 502331

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