Discover the 506348 pincode region of Regonda including key areas such as Dammannapet, Gangireni Gudem, Jaggaiahpet, Kaniparthy (Ch), Kodavatancha, Kothapalli(V), Lingal, Madthapalli, Ramannagudem, Rangaiahpalli, Regonda, Repak, Repakpalli, Sultanpur, Tirumalagiri and more. Provides detailed information about local amenities including post offices, schools, banks, ATMs, hospitals and other essential services.
This pincode 506348 is belongs to Warangal district located in the state of Telangana.
# | Post Office | Pincode | Taluk | District | State |
1 | Dammannapet B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
2 | Gangireni Gudem B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
3 | Jaggaiahpet B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
4 | Kaniparthy (Ch) B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
5 | Kodavatancha B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
6 | Kothapalli(V) B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
7 | Lingal B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
8 | Madthapalli B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
9 | Ramannagudem B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
10 | Rangaiahpalli B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
11 | Regonda S.OPost office type: Sub Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
12 | Repak B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
13 | Repakpalli B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
14 | Sultanpur B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
15 | Tirumalagiri B.OPost office type: Branch Office Postal Division: Hanamkonda Circle name: Andhra Pradesh |
506348 | Regonda | Warangal | Telangana |
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Dammannapet Pincode is 506348
506348 pincode located at Dammannapet, Warangal, Telangana.
This 506348 cities/village/locality pincode areas: Dammannapet, Gangireni Gudem, Jaggaiahpet, Kaniparthy (Ch), Kodavatancha, Kothapalli(V), Lingal, Madthapalli, Ramannagudem, Rangaiahpalli, Regonda, Repak, Repakpalli, Sultanpur, Tirumalagiri
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