
Bongija Village

Bongija is belongs to Visakhapatnam, district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Village   Details
Name : Bongija
Village code : 584149
Block Name : Ananthagiri (0520)
Area : 18
Gram Panchayat : N.R.PURAM ()
District : Visakhapatnam
State : Andhra Pradesh
District Head Quarter : VISAKHAPATNAM
District Head Quarter distance : 90 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : VIZIANAGARAM
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 50 Kms
Population : 433
Households : 93
Male : 216
Female : 217
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 535145
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : NA
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : NA

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Near by villages of Bongija

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Daraparthi 582948 DARAPARTHI 55 Hectares 648
2 Kuridi 582949 DARAPARTHI 27 Hectares 214
3 Gunapadu 582950 DARAPARTHI 13 Hectares 171
4 Moolaboddavara 582951 MOOLABODDAVARA 2081 Hectares 997
5 Krishnamahanti Puram 582958 KILTAMPALEM 30 Hectares 354
6 Jirayathi Kumaram 582959 KILTAMPALEM 243 Hectares 651
7 Pedakhandepalle 582961 PEDAKHANDEPALLE 350 Hectares 2502
8 Kapusompuram 582962 MOOLABODDAVARA 458 Hectares 928
9 Srungavarapukota 582963 SRUNGAVARAPUKOTA 670 Hectares 28304
10 Kondamallipudi 582964 VENKATA RAMANA PETA 216 Hectares 54
11 Kasipathi Rajapuram 582965 VENKATA RAMANA PETA 70 Hectares 137
12 Mallipudi 582966 VENKATA RAMANA PETA 324 Hectares 32
13 Veeranarayanam 582967 VEERANARAYANAM 201 Hectares 1658
14 Dampuram 582968 VENKATA RAMANA PETA 192 Hectares 266
15 Kothavooru 582969 KOTHAVOORU 351 Hectares 4627
16 Balakrishna -Rajapuram 582970 BALAKRISHNA RAJAPURAM 189 Hectares 1300
17 Santagavarampeta 582972 SANTAGAVARAMPETA 115 Hectares 1536
18 Pothanapalle 582973 POTHANAPALLE 339 Hectares 1283
19 Krishnapuram 582974 KRISHNAPURAM 249 Hectares 1282
20 Viswanadhapuram 582975 MUSHIDIPALLE 196 Hectares 8
21 Vemulapalle 582976 VEMULAPALLE 236 Hectares 1252
22 S. Kotatalari 582979 S. KOTATALARI 229 Hectares 1834
23 Vinayakapalle 582980 VINAYAKAPALLE 222 Hectares 816
24 Vasi 582981 VASI 334 Hectares 1067
25 Usiri 582982 S. KOTA TOLARI 103 Hectares 493
26 Alugubilli 582983 ALUGUBILLI 464 Hectares 1631
27 Chamalapalle 582984 CHAMALAPALLE 271 Hectares 962
28 Kondagangupudi 582989 KONDAGANGUPUDI 1263 Hectares 1610
29 Srungavarapukota Seetharampuram 582990 KONDA GANGUPUDI 539 Hectares 1121
30 Pedakrishnaraja Puram 582991 PEDAKRISHNARAJA PURAM 278 Hectares 699
31 Ramaswamipeta 582992 RAMASWAMIPETA 149 Hectares 887
32 Boddam 582993 BODDAM 359 Hectares 3094
33 Mukundapuram 582994 MUKUNDAPURAM 188 Hectares 950
34 Vobulaiah Palem 582995 VOBULAIAH PALEM 108 Hectares 866
35 Karaiguda 584104 KONAPURAM 194 Hectares 367
36 Liddangi 584105 KONAPURAM 21 Hectares 48
37 Saraiguda 584106 KONAPURAM 71 Hectares 115
38 Bondyaguda 584107 KONAPURAM 121 Hectares 89
39 Kunapuram 584108 KUNAPURAM 180 Hectares 423
40 Kittalingi 584109 KUNAPURAM 4 Hectares 248
41 Bonduguda 584110 KUNAPURAM 128 Hectares 171
42 Karakavalasa 584111 BORRA - 87
43 Bheesupuram 584112 117 Hectares 269
44 Katika 584113 BORRA 46 Hectares 134
45 Vatalamamidi 584114 KUNAPURAM 65 Hectares 34
46 Chappadi 584115 KUNAPURAM 118 Hectares 154
47 Dekkapuram 584116 BORRA 38 Hectares 47
48 Kontysimidi 584117 BORRA - 57
49 Kotyaguda 584118 BORRA 75 Hectares 141
50 Bediliguda 584119 BORRA 4 Hectares 24
51 Getuvalasa 584120 BORRA - 304
52 Eguvamamidi 584121 BORRA - 64
53 Pedduru 584122 BORRA - 99
54 Borra 584123 BORRA - 345
55 Kummarivalasa 584124 TOKURU 24 Hectares 35
56 Tokuru 584125 TOKURU 48 Hectares 269
57 Boraborivalasa 584126 TOKURU 55 Hectares 109
58 Sariapalle 584133 434 Hectares 609
59 Gottipadu 584140 60 Hectares 146
60 Rajupaka 584142 ANANTHAGIRI 49 Hectares 80
61 Chittampadu 584143 TOKURU 1 Hectares 41
62 Y.S.R.Puram 584147 N.R.PURAM 37 Hectares 811
63 Kotaparti 584148 N.R.PURAM 4 Hectares 342
64 Pedakonela 584159 N.R.PURAM 4 Hectares 162
65 Laxmipuram 584170 KOTHURU - 34
66 Pandirimamidivalasa 584171 KASIPATNAM 22 Hectares 16
67 Jakariguda 584179 TOKURU 76 Hectares 149
68 Ninnimamidi 584183 BORRA 6 Hectares 80
69 Nisaniguda 584186 TOKURU 30 Hectares 32
70 Bodaguda 584187 TOKURU 58 Hectares 109
71 Seesaguda 584188 TOKURU 43 Hectares 87
72 Kottavalasa 584190 TOKURU 100 Hectares 72
73 Diguvasobha 584191 121 Hectares 116
74 Sorasapodaru 584192 EGUVASOBHA 51 Hectares 128
75 Pooluguda 584193 EGUVASOBHA 38 Hectares 46
76 Eguvasobha 584194 EGUVASOBHA 121 Hectares 176
77 Kamalapuram 584196 EGUVASOBHA 115 Hectares 143
78 Heetaguda 584197 EGUVASOBHA 72 Hectares 411
79 Laxmipuram 584198 ANANTHAGIRI 122 Hectares 174
80 Baliaguda @ Cheedivalasa 584199 TAKERU 41 Hectares 83
81 Talaripadu 584200 ANANTHAGIRI - 39
82 Regam 584201 ANANTHAGIRI 141 Hectares 149
83 Tenuputtu 584202 ANANTHAGIRI - 37
84 Nandigummi 584203 ANANTHAGIRI - 50
85 Patakota 584204 ANANTHAGIRI 123 Hectares 103
86 Malingavalasa 584205 ANANTHAGIRI 67 Hectares 58
87 Tadiguda 584206 ANANTHAGIRI 67 Hectares 164
88 Mondijanguda 584207 ANANTHAGIRI 87 Hectares 73
89 Mardaguda 584208 EGUVASOBHA 18 Hectares 140
90 Ananthagiri 584209 ANANTHAGIRI 218 Hectares 1522
91 Kottavalasa @ Verumulapuram 584210 EGUVASOBHA 23 Hectares 498
92 Gatuguda 584211 EGUVAVALASA 24 Hectares 9
93 Dandabadu 584212 EGUVASOBHA 18 Hectares 119
94 Kambavalasa 584213 TOKURU 99 Hectares 97
95 Doraguda 584214 TOKURU 78 Hectares 84
96 Bhagamarivalasa 584215 TOKURU 34 Hectares 57
97 Tenteliguda 584216 TOKURU 31 Hectares 64
98 Rayavalasa 584218 TOKURU 68 Hectares 110
99 Mulyaguda 584219 TOKURU 24 Hectares 252
100 Pooluguda 584220 TOKURU 45 Hectares 184
101 Pempuduvalasa 584221 TOKURU 45 Hectares 99
102 Nandanapuram 584226 TOKURU 19 Hectares 11
103 Sivalingapuram 584233 KOTTURU 105 Hectares 719
104 Diguva Kambavalasa 584234 TOKURU - 29
105 Teegalamada 584235 KOTTURU 77 Hectares 169
106 Panasamanuvalasa 584236 KOTHURU 43 Hectares 39
107 Damsarai 584237 KOTHURU 31 Hectares 159
108 Bangarampeta 584238 KASIPATNAM 40 Hectares 110
109 Pallamvanivalasa 584239 KASIPATNAM 18 Hectares 108
110 Marrimanuvalasa 584240 VANGADA 7 Hectares 20
111 Tummanuvalasa 584241 KOTHURU 58 Hectares 226
112 Totavalasa 584242 KOTHURU 51 Hectares 40
113 Varakavadu 584243 CHILAKALAGEDDA 33 Hectares 69
114 Dabbalapalem 584244 CHILANALAGEDDA 111 Hectares 29
115 Dabbalapadu 584246 CHILAKALAGEDDA 110 Hectares 290
116 Vantinivanipalem 584247 CHILAKALAGEDDA 25 Hectares 112
117 Jeelugulapadu 584248 CHILAKALAGEDDA 34 Hectares 292
118 Kittayyatota 584249 CHILAKALAGEDDA 30 Hectares 105
119 Chilakalagedda 584250 CHILAKALAGEDDA 153 Hectares 1091
120 Venkayyapalem 584251 CHILAKALAGEDDA 65 Hectares 138
121 Kasipatnam 584252 KASIPATNAM 167 Hectares 334
122 Cheedivalasa 584253 KOTHURU 41 Hectares 702
123 Kambavalasa 584254 TOKURU 31 Hectares 48
124 Gangavaram 584255 KOTHURU 86 Hectares 206
125 Kotturu 584256 183 Hectares 443
126 Krishnapuram 584257 KOTHURU 67 Hectares 164
127 Busipadu 584259 KOTHURU 33 Hectares 134
128 Maddipadu 584265 GUMMA 77 Hectares 92
129 Cheedivalasa 584267 LONGUPARTHI 71 Hectares 334
130 Vanjalavalasa 584275 GUMMA 45 Hectares 86
131 Mettavalasa 584284 LONGAPARTHI 101 Hectares 88
132 Vootagedda 584294 VALERI 61 Hectares 54
133 Gangudivalasa 584296 33 Hectares 46

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Bongija.

Q2: What is the village code for Bongija?

A2: The village code for Bongija is 584149.

Q3: In which block is Bongija located?

A3: Bongija is located in the Ananthagiri block.

Q4: What is the total area of Bongija?

A4: The total area of Bongija is 18 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Bongija belong to?

A5: Bongija belongs to the N.R.PURAM Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Bongija located?

A6: Bongija is located in the Visakhapatnam district in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

Q7: How far is Bongija from the district headquarter?

A7: Bongija is 90 kilometers away from the VISAKHAPATNAM district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Bongija?

A8: The nearest statutory town is VIZIANAGARAM which is 50 kilometers away from Bongija.

Q9: What is the population of Bongija?

A9: The population of Bongija is 433 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Bongija?

A10: There are 193 households in Bongija.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Bongija?

A11: There are 216 males and 217 females in Bongija.

Q12: Are there any schools in Bongija?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Bongija. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Bongija?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Bongija.

Q14: What is the pin code of Bongija?

A14: The pin code of Bongija is 535145.

Q15: Does Bongija have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Bongija.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Bongija?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Bongija.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Bongija?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Bongija.

Q18: Is Bongija connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Bongija.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Bongija?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Bongija.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Bongija?

A20: NA, an ASHA worker is available in Bongija.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Bongija?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Bongija is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Bongija?

A22: There are NA of forest area in Bongija.

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