
Padigan Village

Padigan is belongs to Kandhamal, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Padigan
Village code : 416653
Block Name : Baliguda (0223)
Area : 216
Gram Panchayat : Rebingia (14)
District : Kandhamal
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Phulbani
District Head Quarter distance : 102 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : G. UDAYAGIRI
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 86 Kms
Population : 153
Households : 30
Male : 69
Female : 84
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 762110
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : Available
Mobile Phone Coverage :
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 183.88 Hectares

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Near by villages of Padigan

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Khairabadi 416472 Landagam 174 Hectares 58
2 Jaralabandha 416473 Landagam 44 Hectares 177
3 Landagan 416474 Landagam 71 Hectares 548
4 Budhadaugar 416475 Landagam 37 Hectares 35
5 Talipada 416476 Landagam 154 Hectares 215
6 Phatikimala 416477 Landagam 82 Hectares 126
7 Anagula 416478 Landagam 312 Hectares 601
8 Karnibera 416479 Landagam 289 Hectares 964
9 Ghodabali 416480 Landagam 365 Hectares 491
10 Mutabali 416481 Landagam 341 Hectares 491
11 Meriatundi 416482 Landagam 170 Hectares 254
12 Badenigan 416483 Khamankhole 57 Hectares 36
13 Sukalada 416484 Khamankhole 93 Hectares 58
14 Gadimaska 416485 Khamankhole 30 Hectares 187
15 Mundapadar 416486 Khamankhole 13 Hectares 13
16 Sikela 416487 Khamankhole 71 Hectares 80
17 Kumbemula 416488 Solaguda 40 Hectares 53
18 Tidragan 416489 Khamankhole 109 Hectares 60
19 Hatiraja 416490 Solaguda 40 Hectares 39
20 Katuru 416491 Khamankhole 52 Hectares 23
21 Gandakia 416492 Khamankhole 218 Hectares 214
22 Kilokina 416493 Khamankhole 116 Hectares 185
23 Raipanga 416494 Khamankhole 213 Hectares 291
24 Khamanakhola 416495 Khamankhole 268 Hectares 579
25 Kiranagan 416496 Khamankhole 176 Hectares 24
26 Budhakhamana 416497 Khamankhole 91 Hectares 17
27 Kacharlai 416498 Khamankhole 149 Hectares 156
28 Singulagam 416499 Khamankhole 135 Hectares 176
29 Darusingula 416500 Khamankhole 130 Hectares 45
30 Changurabali 416501 Khamankhole 171 Hectares 273
31 Parubhata 416502 Khamankhole 123 Hectares 270
32 Dengargaon 416503 Khamankhole 29 Hectares 3
33 Kapukusa 416504 Khamankhole 39 Hectares 56
34 Kanjalagou 416505 Khamankhole 206 Hectares 284
35 Jalesuga 416506 Khamankhole 55 Hectares 166
36 Seska 416507 Khamankhole 75 Hectares 87
37 Puijuri 416509 Solaguda 122 Hectares 143
38 Bilaranga 416510 Solaguda 55 Hectares 26
39 Melapaketa 416511 Solaguda 30 Hectares 28
40 Daka 416512 Solaguda 198 Hectares 643
41 Takasingha 416513 Solaguda 54 Hectares 123
42 Damapanga 416514 Solaguda 23 Hectares 39
43 Makubela 416515 Solaguda 40 Hectares 21
44 Gundelpadar 416516 Solaguda 29 Hectares 10
45 Kuchasaru 416517 Solaguda 53 Hectares 120
46 Budimilika 416518 Solaguda 17 Hectares 39
47 Kuerpata 416519 Solaguda 22 Hectares 10
48 Sutalada 416520 Kutikia 93 Hectares 41
49 Majabali 416521 Kutikia 36 Hectares 70
50 Kilenjore 416522 Kutikia 41 Hectares 33
51 Sorukoi 416523 Kutikia 327 Hectares 251
52 Gangerigan 416524 Kutikia 75 Hectares 49
53 Sengusola 416526 Solaguda 307 Hectares 114
54 Katikudu kelikia 416527 Solaguda 184 Hectares 148
55 Katedi 416528 Sudra 33 Hectares 42
56 Suleipada 416529 Sudra 40 Hectares 39
57 Kalupusing 416530 Sudra 94 Hectares 107
58 Pokharibandha 416531 Sudra 138 Hectares 210
59 Sindhi 416532 Sudra 75 Hectares 89
60 Gatngi 416533 Sudra 159 Hectares 503
61 Kambarkia 416534 Sudra 529 Hectares 594
62 Daragamunda 416536 Solaguda 80 Hectares 37
63 Gundeli 416537 Solaguda 46 Hectares 42
64 Pipali 416538 Sudra 111 Hectares 159
65 Dakapadi 416539 Sudra 40 Hectares 168
66 Padapadara 416540 Sudra 226 Hectares 244
67 Melisikia 416541 Solaguda 420 Hectares 747
68 Tagakia 416543 Solaguda 144 Hectares 167
69 Keramaha 416544 Solaguda 77 Hectares 65
70 Kudukelkia 416545 Solaguda 269 Hectares 358
71 Kutikia 416546 Kutikia 758 Hectares 1115
72 Sautikia 416547 Kutikia 359 Hectares 622
73 Jidingpanga 416564 Kutikia 124 Hectares 180
74 Lainipali 416565 Kutikia 364 Hectares 284
75 Situpadi 416566 Kutikia 242 Hectares 224
76 Bakarimunda 416567 Kutikia 451 Hectares 319
77 Padmapadar 416570 Budrukia 191 Hectares 525
78 Jaradanga 416571 Solaguda 70 Hectares 19
79 Sundrumila 416572 Budrukia 351 Hectares 254
80 Bukukia 416573 Barakhama 116 Hectares 59
81 Sakarapadi 416574 Barakhama 174 Hectares 115
82 Junagan 416575 Barakhama 93 Hectares 417
83 Terajakia 416576 Solaguda 166 Hectares 192
84 Solaguda 416577 Solaguda 422 Hectares 621
85 Jargibhata 416579 Solaguda 61 Hectares 315
86 Puninata 416581 Solaguda 229 Hectares 341
87 Nadapatang 416582 Barakhama 320 Hectares 547
88 Katerbata 416583 Sudra 308 Hectares 427
89 Jargi 416584 Sudra 301 Hectares 396
90 Sudra 416585 Sudra 590 Hectares 1427
91 Dekulada 416586 Sudra 132 Hectares 99
92 Ambabadi 416587 Sudra 154 Hectares 162
93 Tilakipada 416588 Sudra 118 Hectares 87
94 Gdangi 416589 Sudra 22 Hectares 40
95 Kunasaru 416590 Sudra 18 Hectares 77
96 Patamaska 416591 Sudra 15 Hectares 79
97 Kutami 416592 Sudra 101 Hectares 104
98 Palami 416593 Sudra 167 Hectares 307
99 Samagan 416594 Sudra 215 Hectares 160
100 Mada 416595 Rebingia 88 Hectares 57
101 Lenguri 416596 Rebingia 187 Hectares 84
102 Tikarabaju 416597 Sudra 291 Hectares 459
103 Asurkupa 416598 Sudra 155 Hectares 230
104 Satamaska 416599 Rebingia 235 Hectares 158
105 Benangia 416600 Rebingia 292 Hectares 150
106 Rebingia 416601 Rebingia 155 Hectares 1322
107 Pakarisahi 416602 Rebingia 235 Hectares 162
108 Gatingia 416603 Barakhama 173 Hectares 224
109 Sirubali 416604 Barakhama 141 Hectares 218
110 Barakhama 416605 Barakhama 675 Hectares 3127
111 Siturusahi 416606 Barakhama 119 Hectares 360
112 Digipadi 416608 Barakhama 104 Hectares 81
113 Takalpadar 416609 Barakhama 19 Hectares 26
114 Gopakheta 416610 Barakhama 85 Hectares 16
115 Kamapadar 416642 Budrukia 39 Hectares 57
116 Duasapadar 416643 Budrukia 110 Hectares 5
117 Biraguda 416644 Budrukia 260 Hectares 207
118 Sumpadar 416647 Barakhama 54 Hectares 29
119 Gudelipadar 416649 Rebingia 34 Hectares 54
120 Gadapinga 416650 Rebingia 193 Hectares 105
121 Egarpadar 416651 Barakhama 70 Hectares 23
122 Gabangpadar 416652 Barakhama 160 Hectares 129
123 Salakia 416654 Rebingia 169 Hectares 244
124 Balakia 416655 Rebingia 131 Hectares 337
125 Dulikia 416656 Rebingia 215 Hectares 444
126 Dapadanga 416657 Rebingia 70 Hectares 96
127 Kutiguda 416658 Rebingia 255 Hectares 87
128 Mardudi 416660 Rebingia 58 Hectares 72
129 Budhaamba 416711 Parampanga 30 Hectares 15
130 Drugubali 416819 Sudra - 2

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Padigan.

Q2: What is the village code for Padigan?

A2: The village code for Padigan is 416653.

Q3: In which block is Padigan located?

A3: Padigan is located in the Baliguda block.

Q4: What is the total area of Padigan?

A4: The total area of Padigan is 216 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Padigan belong to?

A5: Padigan belongs to the Rebingia Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Padigan located?

A6: Padigan is located in the Kandhamal district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Padigan from the district headquarter?

A7: Padigan is 102 kilometers away from the Phulbani district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Padigan?

A8: The nearest statutory town is G. UDAYAGIRI which is 86 kilometers away from Padigan.

Q9: What is the population of Padigan?

A9: The population of Padigan is 153 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Padigan?

A10: There are 193 households in Padigan.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Padigan?

A11: There are 69 males and 84 females in Padigan.

Q12: Are there any schools in Padigan?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Padigan. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Padigan?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Padigan.

Q14: What is the pin code of Padigan?

A14: The pin code of Padigan is 762110.

Q15: Does Padigan have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Padigan.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Padigan?

A16: , mobile phone coverage is available in Padigan.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Padigan?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Padigan.

Q18: Is Padigan connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Padigan.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Padigan?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Padigan.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Padigan?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Padigan.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Padigan?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Padigan is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Padigan?

A22: There are 183.88 Hectares of forest area in Padigan.

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