
Kukurbhuka Village

Kukurbhuka is belongs to Mayurbhanj, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Kukurbhuka
Village code : 389619
Block Name : Bangiriposi (0077)
Area : 78
Gram Panchayat : Sorisapal (09)
District : Mayurbhanj
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Baripada
District Head Quarter distance : 66 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : BARIPADA
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 58 Kms
Population : 183
Households : 42
Male : 86
Female : 97
Govt Primary School : NA
Private Primary School : NA
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 757032
Power Supply :
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 1.4 Hectares

Google map of Kukurbhuka location

Near by villages of Kukurbhuka

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Bhadua 387855 Joka 311 Hectares 234
2 Ambadiha 387857 Joka 287 Hectares 817
3 Danadar 387860 Joka 224 Hectares 861
4 Panisul 387889 Umadeipur 115 Hectares 299
5 Umadeipur 387890 Umadeipur 681 Hectares 2106
6 Nadiathul 387891 Umadeipur 92 Hectares 362
7 Kanimahuli 387893 Umadeipur 143 Hectares 492
8 Manabhanj 387894 Umadeipur 75 Hectares 398
9 Kendua 387895 Umadeipur 250 Hectares 815
10 Nedabhadi 387896 Umadeipur 41 Hectares 147
11 Sansanadi 387899 Umadeipur 78 Hectares 397
12 Balabhadrapur 387934 Umadeipur 32 Hectares 81
13 Nitai 389436 Dighi 274 Hectares 900
14 Mundhakata 389437 Dighi 252 Hectares 968
15 Dighi 389438 Dighi 207 Hectares 442
16 Talatikiri 389439 Dighi 85 Hectares 434
17 Darakantia 389440 Dighi 425 Hectares 1075
18 Jogibandh 389441 Chandanpur 260 Hectares 551
19 Ramchandrapur 389442 Chandanpur 64 Hectares 203
20 Nuagan 389443 Chandanpur 238 Hectares 689
21 Khadipahadi 389444 Chandanpur 102 Hectares 560
22 Bedhakudar 389445 Chandanpur 191 Hectares 867
23 Kadamdiha 389446 Chandanpur 73 Hectares 133
24 Aktapal 389447 Chandanpur 86 Hectares 126
25 Kansapal 389448 Chandanpur 67 Hectares 213
26 Bahadurpur 389449 Chandanpur 142 Hectares 338
27 Chandanpur 389450 Chandanpur 141 Hectares 1338
28 Dumuria 389451 Banakati 68 Hectares 354
29 Laxmiposi 389452 Banakati 38 Hectares 25
30 Asna 389453 Banakati 79 Hectares 394
31 Gosanipal 389454 Banakati 144 Hectares 1125
32 Kamalpur 389455 Banakati 77 Hectares 189
33 Punasia 389456 Banakati 27 Hectares 230
34 Bhalupahadi (Hill block) 389457 Banakati 38 Hectares 154
35 Manda 389458 Bangriposi 221 Hectares 1524
36 Baunsabudi 389459 Dighi 122 Hectares 633
37 Kasiabeda 389460 Dighi 120 Hectares 390
38 Sikarbhanga 389461 Bangriposi 70 Hectares 186
39 Mahulbarei 389462 Bangriposi 210 Hectares 1285
40 Bangriposi 389463 Bangriposi 96 Hectares 525
41 Baghiabeda 389464 Nischinta 39 Hectares 118
42 Sanpatharakham 389465 Nischinta 117 Hectares 770
43 Badpatharakham 389466 Nischinta 299 Hectares 639
44 Majhigan 389467 Bangriposi 119 Hectares 828
45 Silpunji 389468 Bangriposi 95 Hectares 644
46 Jamadapal 389469 Banakati 103 Hectares 345
47 Kantapal 389470 Banakati 109 Hectares 523
48 Sarasposi 389471 Banakati 54 Hectares 477
49 Handa 389472 Bangriposi 134 Hectares 2738
50 Banakati 389474 Banakati 185 Hectares 1131
51 Satbhaya 389475 Banakati 163 Hectares 378
52 Dahisahi 389476 Banakati 100 Hectares 113
53 Sagunasul 389477 Banakati 40 Hectares 169
54 Malidihi 389478 Golamundakata 24 Hectares 64
55 Simila 389479 Golamundakata 79 Hectares 212
56 Golamundhakata 389480 Golamundakata 114 Hectares 1324
57 Uania 389481 Nafri 65 Hectares 681
58 Jhinkpahadi 389482 Nafri 290 Hectares 300
59 Kanimahuli 389483 Nafri 55 Hectares 5
60 Nafri 389484 Nafri 391 Hectares 747
61 Kalliami 389486 Bangriposi 126 Hectares 478
62 Saripada 389487 Nischinta 56 Hectares 44
63 Chuapani 389488 Nischinta 219 Hectares 1119
64 Dasisul 389489 Nischinta 198 Hectares 373
65 Nayadasisul 389490 Nischinta 96 Hectares 511
66 Sirasahi 389491 Nischinta 158 Hectares 177
67 Nischinta 389492 Nischinta 132 Hectares 740
68 Sundhisahi 389493 Nischinta 102 Hectares 342
69 Gohirapal 389494 Nischinta 304 Hectares 632
70 Bholagadia 389495 Nischinta 162 Hectares 687
71 Pindargadia 389496 Nischinta 106 Hectares 330
72 Sasadapal 389505 Nischinta 41 Hectares 1
73 Kadadiha 389507 Shyamsundarpur 53 Hectares 192
74 Patbeda 389516 Dhobanisole 81 Hectares 593
75 Ranasul 389517 Dhobanisole 64 Hectares 607
76 Gandipani 389518 Dhobanisole 24 Hectares 105
77 Naikali 389521 Nafri 35 Hectares 305
78 Andola 389522 Nafri 130 Hectares 724
79 Nakhura 389523 Golamundakata 53 Hectares 193
80 Mahilalpur 389524 Golamundakata 24 Hectares 12
81 Salabani 389526 Golamundakata 45 Hectares 635
82 Beguniadiha 389529 Golamundakata 74 Hectares 469
83 Nayabasan 389530 Golamundakata 79 Hectares 274
84 Asana 389536 Golamundakata 41 Hectares 2119
85 Taradapal 389562 Golamundakata 81 Hectares 333
86 Juna 389565 Golamundakata 167 Hectares 633
87 Dhobanisul 389566 Dhobanisole 585 Hectares 1217
88 Godargadi 389567 Dhobanisole 167 Hectares 525
89 Taltikiri 389569 Dhobanisole 26 Hectares 152
90 Mahupahadi 389570 Dhobanisole 146 Hectares 318
91 Balikhani 389571 Dhobanisole 353 Hectares 842
92 Bautia 389591 Brahmangaon 105 Hectares 314
93 Kumbhirmundi 389594 Brahmangaon 100 Hectares 150
94 Hatibari 389595 Brahmangaon 58 Hectares 73
95 Sarbania 389596 Brahmangaon 109 Hectares 172
96 Majhigan 389599 Brahmangaon 112 Hectares 211
97 Dumuhani 389600 Brahmangaon 106 Hectares 300
98 Ghatkuanri 389601 Brahmangaon 150 Hectares 607
99 Brahmangan 389602 Brahmangaon 196 Hectares 731
100 Mohanpur 389603 Brahmangaon 56 Hectares 167
101 Beguniabandh 389604 Brahmangaon 139 Hectares 292
102 Baliadhipa 389605 Brahmangaon 61 Hectares 234
103 Talbandh 389606 Brahmangaon 138 Hectares 545
104 Kadamdiha 389610 Brahmangaon 73 Hectares 217
105 Rengalbeda 389611 Brahmangaon 76 Hectares 252
106 Salghati 389612 Brahmangaon 97 Hectares 238
107 Dhadipani 389613 Brahmangaon 32 Hectares 106
108 Dantiakacha 389614 Brahmangaon 43 Hectares 88
109 Charabandh 389615 Brahmangaon 118 Hectares 507
110 Kusumtota 389616 Sorisapal 86 Hectares 87
111 Chakidi 389617 Sorisapal 57 Hectares 152
112 Purunapani 389618 Sorisapal 58 Hectares 257
113 Khadighati 389620 Sorisapal 30 Hectares 102
114 Jamtalia 389621 Sorisapal 81 Hectares 120
115 Basilakacha 389622 Sorisapal 18 Hectares 62
116 Amdapani 389623 Sorisapal 80 Hectares 182
117 Alapani 389624 Sorisapal 72 Hectares 117
118 Jerkani 389625 Sorisapal 61 Hectares 105
119 Baribeda 389626 Sorisapal 69 Hectares 176
120 Fuljhara 389627 Sorisapal 76 Hectares 162
121 Bhaduakacha 389628 Sorisapal 56 Hectares 15

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Kukurbhuka.

Q2: What is the village code for Kukurbhuka?

A2: The village code for Kukurbhuka is 389619.

Q3: In which block is Kukurbhuka located?

A3: Kukurbhuka is located in the Bangiriposi block.

Q4: What is the total area of Kukurbhuka?

A4: The total area of Kukurbhuka is 78 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Kukurbhuka belong to?

A5: Kukurbhuka belongs to the Sorisapal Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Kukurbhuka located?

A6: Kukurbhuka is located in the Mayurbhanj district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Kukurbhuka from the district headquarter?

A7: Kukurbhuka is 66 kilometers away from the Baripada district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Kukurbhuka?

A8: The nearest statutory town is BARIPADA which is 58 kilometers away from Kukurbhuka.

Q9: What is the population of Kukurbhuka?

A9: The population of Kukurbhuka is 183 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Kukurbhuka?

A10: There are 193 households in Kukurbhuka.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Kukurbhuka?

A11: There are 86 males and 97 females in Kukurbhuka.

Q12: Are there any schools in Kukurbhuka?

A12: Yes, there is NA government primary school in Kukurbhuka. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Kukurbhuka?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Kukurbhuka.

Q14: What is the pin code of Kukurbhuka?

A14: The pin code of Kukurbhuka is 757032.

Q15: Does Kukurbhuka have power supply?

A15: , power supply is available in Kukurbhuka.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Kukurbhuka?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Kukurbhuka.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Kukurbhuka?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Kukurbhuka.

Q18: Is Kukurbhuka connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Kukurbhuka.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Kukurbhuka?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Kukurbhuka.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Kukurbhuka?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Kukurbhuka.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Kukurbhuka?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Kukurbhuka is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Kukurbhuka?

A22: There are 1.4 Hectares of forest area in Kukurbhuka.

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