
Ratnapur Village

Ratnapur is belongs to Deogarh, district in the state of Odisha.

Village   Details
Name : Ratnapur
Village code : 383088
Block Name : Barkot (0028)
Area : 88
Gram Panchayat : Raitbahal (19)
District : Deogarh
State : Odisha
District Head Quarter : Debagarh
District Head Quarter distance : 65 Kms
Nearest Statutory Town : DEBAGARH
Nearest Statutory Town Distance : 40 Kms
Population : 109
Households : 29
Male : 62
Female : 47
Govt Primary School : 1
Private Primary School : 1
Primary Health Centre : NA
Pincode : 768110
Power Supply : Available
Post Office : NA
Telephone (Landlines) : NA
Mobile Phone Coverage : Available
Public Bus Service : NA
Railway Station : NA
Sea/River/Ferry service : NA
National Highway : NA
Commercial Bank : NA
Asha : Available
Agricultural Commodities : PADDY
Forest Area : 34.27 Hectares

Google map of Ratnapur location

Near by villages of Ratnapur

# Village Code Panchayat Name Area Population
1 Chakrapali 382750 Danra 86 Hectares 417
2 Gunduripasi 382751 Danra 88 Hectares 213
3 Rabankucha 382813 Kelda 159 Hectares 140
4 Hariharpur 382814 Kelda 81 Hectares 122
5 Sibapali 382815 Kelda 175 Hectares 315
6 Chapabahal 382816 Kelda 359 Hectares 461
7 Ratanpali 382817 Kelda 208 Hectares 248
8 Kelenda 382819 Kelda 518 Hectares 828
9 Srikhampali 382820 Kelda 114 Hectares 198
10 Brahmanidei 382821 Kadopada 197 Hectares 406
11 Saloi 382822 Kelda 649 Hectares 757
12 Khulundikudar 382823 Jharakandhal 353 Hectares 405
13 Khulundipani 382824 Jharakandhal 52 Hectares 106
14 Gurujung 382825 Jharakandhal 247 Hectares 390
15 Nadiajore 382826 Jharakandhal 177 Hectares 64
16 Masanita 382827 Singsal 426 Hectares 773
17 Ambagaon 382828 Singsal 523 Hectares 1215
18 Jharakandhal 382829 Jharakandhal 608 Hectares 1175
19 Purunapani 382830 Jharakandhal 133 Hectares 380
20 Thakurpali 382831 Jharakandhal 335 Hectares 658
21 Ghantiposi 382832 Singsal 49 Hectares 279
22 Harekrishnapur 382833 Singsal 500 Hectares 386
23 Megha-farsanpur (Chatiapali) 382834 Singsal 113 Hectares 137
24 Singhasal 382835 Singsal 173 Hectares 625
25 Jagannathpur 382836 Singsal 399 Hectares 229
26 Singhuri 382837 Kadopada 326 Hectares 819
27 Narasinghamunda 382840 Kadopada 101 Hectares 259
28 Dhatukipali 382841 Kadopada 88 Hectares 155
29 Kadopada 382842 Kadopada 431 Hectares 1355
30 Masinta 382843 Kadopada 198 Hectares 332
31 Mahupal 382844 Kadopada 80 Hectares 82
32 Mardang 382845 Kadopada 203 Hectares 617
33 Balani 382848 Danra 200 Hectares 501
34 Aksharshila 382849 Balanda 440 Hectares 745
35 Lakhapali 382850 Singsal 176 Hectares 31
36 Jalisuan 382851 Kaliapal 400 Hectares 1142
37 Budhabhuin 382852 Kaliapal 81 Hectares 92
38 Marha 382853 Saruali 152 Hectares 187
39 Outal 382854 Saruali 259 Hectares 458
40 Balidihi 382855 Saruali - 141
41 Kadalidihi 382856 Saruali - 153
42 Mahuldihi 382857 Bamparda - 100
43 Pachiripani 382858 Kaliapal 22 Hectares 323
44 Depatala 382859 Gurusang 27 Hectares 200
45 Bhitarbeda 382860 Kaliapal 85 Hectares 27
46 Kaliapal(Talipal) 382861 Kaliapal 304 Hectares 539
47 Talabahali 382862 Kaliapal 103 Hectares 462
48 Indranijharan 382863 Balanda 125 Hectares 172
49 Balanda 382864 Balanda 315 Hectares 713
50 Chandiposi 382865 Danra 160 Hectares 189
51 Ludhaposi 382866 Danra 152 Hectares 255
52 Sirapali 382867 Danra 141 Hectares 205
53 Chakadihi 382868 Danra 83 Hectares 110
54 Chakadihicolony (New Barkot) 382869 Danra 44 Hectares 332
55 Jayapichhula 382870 Danra 56 Hectares 215
56 Ranja 382871 Danra 162 Hectares 242
57 Basupali 382872 Danra 204 Hectares 714
58 Anantapichhula 382873 Danra 43 Hectares 123
59 Danra 382874 Danra 414 Hectares 1621
60 Balita 382875 Danra 241 Hectares 1259
61 Nrusinganagar 382876 Danra 239 Hectares 33
62 Jhumpura(Bad) 382877 Danra 176 Hectares 448
63 Jhumpura(san) 382879 Danra 98 Hectares 274
64 Barkot 382880 Balanda 427 Hectares 582
65 Nikitimal 382881 Balanda 41 Hectares 34
66 Ramchandrapur 382882 Balanda 34 Hectares 121
67 Bahadaposi 382884 Balanda 34 Hectares 261
68 Gopapur 382885 Balanda 140 Hectares 535
69 Lalaposi 382886 Kaliapal 263 Hectares 290
70 Adyapur 382887 Kaliapal 167 Hectares 233
71 Damita 382888 Kalla 92 Hectares 194
72 Kaladu 382889 Bamparda 19 Hectares 96
73 Khuntadihi 382890 Saruali 239 Hectares 297
74 Tainsira 382891 Saruali 375 Hectares 590
75 Madalia 382892 Saruali 393 Hectares 852
76 Rengali 382893 Saruali 218 Hectares 369
77 Saruali 382894 Saruali 1144 Hectares 2261
78 Baidharnagar 382895 Gurusang 505 Hectares 674
79 Saida 382896 Kalla 976 Hectares 2447
80 Rugudakudar 382897 Kalla 102 Hectares 359
81 kalla 382898 Kalla 453 Hectares 2765
82 Hinjlita 382899 Balanda 135 Hectares 268
83 Godabhanga 382900 Balanda 126 Hectares 302
84 Jarakot 382904 Balanda 416 Hectares 235
85 Kulsura 382924 Madhyapur 863 Hectares 540
86 Sanmanpur 382925 Madhyapur 194 Hectares 427
87 Landijhari 382927 Madhyapur 300 Hectares 735
88 Kesanpur 382928 Madhyapur 107 Hectares 130
89 Raghunathpur 382929 Madhyapur 125 Hectares 209
90 Manoharpur 382930 Kalla 69 Hectares 280
91 Lalitamohanpur 382931 Raitbahal 161 Hectares 185
92 Bhaktabadkudar 382932 Bamparda 431 Hectares 592
93 Bideibadakudar 382935 Bamparda 188 Hectares 672
94 Sarankot 382936 Kalla 441 Hectares 901
95 Jharabahal 382937 Bamparda 244 Hectares 591
96 Netrabahal 382938 Bamparda 204 Hectares 290
97 Debichuan 382939 Kalla - 180
98 Ratab 382941 Gurusang 271 Hectares 251
99 Gurusang 382942 Gurusang 622 Hectares 1697
100 Thianal 382943 Bamparda 302 Hectares 1004
101 Nuakesala 382944 Kaliapal 169 Hectares 498
102 Nuabanakalo 382945 Bamparda 179 Hectares 370
103 Dehurimunda 382946 Bamparda 161 Hectares 160
104 Rajamunda 382947 Kadopada 159 Hectares 341
105 Golabandha 382948 Bamparda 746 Hectares 1694
106 Bamparda 382949 Bamparda 655 Hectares 1960
107 Patrapali 382950 Bamparda 242 Hectares 896
108 Nabarangapur 382951 Raitbahal 20 Hectares 28
109 Rushipali 382952 Madhyapur 88 Hectares 127
110 Laxmipur 382953 Madhyapur 111 Hectares 116
111 Budhakhaman 382954 Bamparda 883 Hectares 949
112 Goilmara 382955 Madhyapur 209 Hectares 450
113 Nuapetpura 382957 Madhyapur - 892
114 Basantapur 382958 Madhyapur 26 Hectares 154
115 Badamanpur 382959 Madhyapur 339 Hectares 526
116 Madhyapur 382961 Madhyapur 207 Hectares 795
117 Khandam 382975 Raitbahal 616 Hectares 164
118 Kansar 382976 Raitbahal 445 Hectares 35
119 Jambunali 382978 Raitbahal 159 Hectares 39
120 Khajurikhaman 382979 Raitbahal 544 Hectares 996
121 Chhachunia 382983 Raitbahal 120 Hectares 211
122 Purunapani 382984 Raitbahal 145 Hectares 453
123 Raitabahal 382985 Raitbahal 162 Hectares 555
124 Talbahali 382986 Raitbahal 28 Hectares 148
125 Garagadbahal 382988 Raitbahal 479 Hectares 564
126 Telimunda 382993 Raitbahal 217 Hectares 287
127 Bandhanbania 382994 Raitbahal 53 Hectares 42
128 Siripur 382995 Raitbahal 156 Hectares 244
129 Derapathar 382996 Raitbahal 306 Hectares 68
130 Nuaambakata 382998 Bijayanagar 297 Hectares 428
131 Gadia 382999 Saruali - 49
132 Kantapal 383000 Kadopada 170.39 Hectares 208
133 Nuakesala 383001 Kaliapal 83.11 Hectares 251
134 Gananathpur 383039 Raitbahal 140 Hectares 53
135 Gothamada 383047 Raitbahal 116 Hectares 37
136 Bhagabatpur 383048 Raitbahal 54 Hectares 64
137 Hariharpur 383049 Raitbahal 98 Hectares 84
138 Charmancha 383050 Raitbahal 208 Hectares 270
139 Sunamunda 383091 Raitbahal 130 Hectares 51

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the name of the village?

A1: The name of the village is Ratnapur.

Q2: What is the village code for Ratnapur?

A2: The village code for Ratnapur is 383088.

Q3: In which block is Ratnapur located?

A3: Ratnapur is located in the Barkot block.

Q4: What is the total area of Ratnapur?

A4: The total area of Ratnapur is 88 hectares.

Q5: Which Gram Panchayat does Ratnapur belong to?

A5: Ratnapur belongs to the Raitbahal Gram Panchayat.

Q6: In which district and state is Ratnapur located?

A6: Ratnapur is located in the Deogarh district in the state of Odisha.

Q7: How far is Ratnapur from the district headquarter?

A7: Ratnapur is 65 kilometers away from the Debagarh district headquarter.

Q8: What is the nearest statutory town to Ratnapur?

A8: The nearest statutory town is DEBAGARH which is 40 kilometers away from Ratnapur.

Q9: What is the population of Ratnapur?

A9: The population of Ratnapur is 109 people.

Q10: How many households are there in Ratnapur?

A10: There are 193 households in Ratnapur.

Q11: What is the gender distribution in Ratnapur?

A11: There are 62 males and 47 females in Ratnapur.

Q12: Are there any schools in Ratnapur?

A12: Yes, there is 1 government primary school in Ratnapur. There are no private primary schools.

Q13: Is there a primary health centre in Ratnapur?

A13: NA, there is NA primary health centre in Ratnapur.

Q14: What is the pin code of Ratnapur?

A14: The pin code of Ratnapur is 768110.

Q15: Does Ratnapur have power supply?

A15: Yes, power supply is available in Ratnapur.

Q16: Is mobile phone coverage available in Ratnapur?

A16: Yes, mobile phone coverage is available in Ratnapur.

Q17: Are there any public transportation services in Ratnapur?

A17: There is ___ public bus service, railway station, or sea/river/ferry service in Ratnapur.

Q18: Is Ratnapur connected by a national highway?

A18: NA, there is no national highway connection to Ratnapur.

Q19: Are there any ATMs or commercial banks in Ratnapur?

A19: NA, there are no ATMs or commercial banks in Ratnapur.

Q20: Is there an ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist) worker available in Ratnapur?

A20: Yes, an ASHA worker is available in Ratnapur.

Q21: What is the main agricultural commodity produced in Ratnapur?

A21: The main agricultural commodity produced in Ratnapur is PADDY.

Q22: How much forest area is there in Ratnapur?

A22: There are 34.27 Hectares of forest area in Ratnapur.

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